Could I put a couple out with these temps?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

Just looked at the forecast I'm just wondering if I threw a few out now if they would survive. The two week forecast is calling for temps of 9-13 celcius daytime temps and 5-7 celcius night time temps for the next few weeks. I live in the maritimes in Canada. Do you think plants that are 1.5 feet tall and 5 weeks old would survive. I do have the option of building a tiny diy greenhouse in the bush with heavy duty plastic if need be. I'm running out of room as I only have a tiny area to veg my plants. Last year I started to late and I feel like this year i started to early. I only have a five 23 watt cfls on my 8 plants that are vegging.
you can put them outside if you want but they wont grow a whole lot. If your putting them outside because you dont want to use power then go a head but if you grow them indoors for a couple weeks you will be glad you did. I some outside right now and they havent done much. I also have a few in a greenhouse and they love it!!! Make sure you water with warm water so you dont shock them too much