New Member
Oh Shit!.. Look...They got your ass on video!!. Your screwed sonny..

tut tut tut, what happened to boys will be boys?the cops in us have cracked down greatly! fist fights in middle school gets charges pressed now even! they arent messing around with that shit no more. part of the whole anti-violence kick america is on.
This is the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard. What sort of twat judge would actually ruin someones life over this when the siuation is CLEAR.agreed. also they like to charge 18 yr old guys w/statutory rape for having sex with their 17 yr old girlfriends. my friend got 3 yrs in prison for *repeated sexual assult of a child*.....it makes me so fucking mad, their birthdays were 1 month apart, he was only a month older than her. its total bullshit. also they all have to register as sex offenders! it makes me sick to my stomache....here they cant solve murders or rapes cuz of not enough time supposedly to review yet they waste all that time on
prosocuting innocent high school boys as rapist child molesters sex offenders but they cant do anything about any real rapists?
Get the fuck out of here with that!so here is where your at right now
you assaulted / battered him
his dad threatened you, but did not actually do anything
your ass is in far worse trouble than you realize
has nothing to with ganja, but w/e im a little confused
this kid snitched on me to some cops a few weeks ago, so i saw him today, and he said he was going to cut me or some shit, and beat the fucking shit out this kid, and i guess hes "injured" and his 38 year old dad sent me a message on myspace lol...all "you got an asskicking coming to you boy, better hope the cops get to you before i do boy!" the cops have been called, but dont know my last name, yet, they know what truck i drive though
im pretty sure it was self defence, the kid was going to get his knife, and i laid his ass out and beat the shit out him
pretty funny his 38 year old dad is going to try to find me, and im 17...lol
This guy is talking out his ass so much I can smell the shit on his breath.The advice is as ignorant as the act.
1. I is not illegal for a citizen to threaten another citizen. I can say "I will kill you on Thursday at 2 am in your bed." and there is no law against it. The threat on myspace COULD be considered cyber bullying... but there is no way they will prosecute the father of a beaten child.
2. Unless he brandished a weapon, the "fishing in his pocket" thing isn't going to fly. It is aggravated assault and battery. Even if he had, you should have waited for the cops. THAT is self defense. Beating the fuck out of someone who threatened to narc on you is not self defense. The invisible knife will be seen as a lie.
3. If he continued to bother you, there are harassment laws which COULD be enforced... but you chose to take things into your own hands, and that is illegal.
At the end of the day this is completely your fault. You are young, and I am not casting judgment... but this is 100% your fault. You couldn't keep your mouth shut, so he KNOWS about your grow. That was poor judgment on YOUR part. Whatever he was threatening you for was probably your fault too, as you didn't mention it. Assaulting the guy was your fault too. You know as well as I do he wasn't going to go get a knife, and fucking murder you in the street in broad daylight. You are using that "knife" thing to rationalize your irrational behavior.
This is all you. I would pull up anything out of the ground, and an assault charge at 17 isn't going to sting too bad. You aren't going to prison.
As to the guy with the "friend" who was 18 one month apart from his 17 yr old girlfriend. I call bullshit. The only reason you get 2 years for statutory for one month difference is because you have priors, or are fucking the judges daughter. You also have to be caught in the act, and charges filed against you... typically by the parents of the girl. Something is wrong with your story. Please fill in the gaps.
The advice is as ignorant as the act.
1. I is not illegal for a citizen to threaten another citizen. I can say "I will kill you on Thursday at 2 am in your bed." and there is no law against it. The threat on myspace COULD be considered cyber bullying... but there is no way they will prosecute the father of a beaten child.
2. Unless he brandished a weapon, the "fishing in his pocket" thing isn't going to fly. It is aggravated assault and battery. Even if he had, you should have waited for the cops. THAT is self defense. Beating the fuck out of someone who threatened to narc on you is not self defense. The invisible knife will be seen as a lie.
3. If he continued to bother you, there are harassment laws which COULD be enforced... but you chose to take things into your own hands, and that is illegal.
At the end of the day this is completely your fault. You are young, and I am not casting judgment... but this is 100% your fault. You couldn't keep your mouth shut, so he KNOWS about your grow. That was poor judgment on YOUR part. Whatever he was threatening you for was probably your fault too, as you didn't mention it. Assaulting the guy was your fault too. You know as well as I do he wasn't going to go get a knife, and fucking murder you in the street in broad daylight. You are using that "knife" thing to rationalize your irrational behavior.
This is all you. I would pull up anything out of the ground, and an assault charge at 17 isn't going to sting too bad. You aren't going to prison.
As to the guy with the "friend" who was 18 one month apart from his 17 yr old girlfriend. I call bullshit. The only reason you get 2 years for statutory for one month difference is because you have priors, or are fucking the judges daughter. You also have to be caught in the act, and charges filed against you... typically by the parents of the girl. Something is wrong with your story. Please fill in the gaps.