Could dried/cured hermaphrodite weed polinate new crop?


Odd question.

But if you had some dried weed from a plant that had turned intersex (hermaphrodite) and had the occasional visible little bananas inside the bud, when breaking it up to smoke could pollen be released and pollinate a new crop growing beside you? The dried weed is 2-3 weeks old.

Help on this would be very much appreciated, :joint:


Well-Known Member
i did the same thing, cured out some hermie weed, which was actually quite good
as far as i can tell, i had no unwanted pollination
now i can't remember how careful i was, i.e. did i shower after handling a hermie bud
i do remember being careful for a while, then not so much, i think the curing process will take out the pollen's fertility quite nicely


Yes it is possible, next time you find a banana, take it outside and smash it between your fingers, rubbing it apart with your fingers, and see if there is any powder from doing this. If there is powder, you have pollen and it is possible it is still viable. No powder, no worries.


Thanks for the quick replies guys.

So how long does this pollen stay viable when left to cure inside a jar at room temps? life is pretty tuff huh


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the quick replies guys. So how long does this pollen stay viable when left to cure inside a jar at room temps? life is pretty tuff huh
that is likely hard to know for sure, not many have reported doing it
pollen is supposed to lose its potency quite quickly in a humid environment, not sure how fast, but eventually it will die


OK well the cure is halfway, no visible bananas left (on the surface) i havent broken it up yet, but its been about 4 weeks drying/curing now, and the new girls are still in veg but will be going into flower in a few weeks. Any need to worry? or keep it sealed in a jar and only use it when none others are about? or am i just being ultra paranoid?


Well-Known Member
sometimes paranoia is an asset, i vaped my hermie buds, and i think i carefully misted down the smoking area with a bit of water, seemed to work for me