could by-products of moonshine be made usefull

Ok this is my second post on here because that there is so much usefull info that every time i get on here i am amazed at the wealth of knowledge, ok , so in the past i was living in a southern state and got bored so i researched on how to make moonshine and ended up being really good at making it, i was running like five to ten gallons a week, anyways i know for a fact that when you make the mash that there is a huge co2 letoff, what happens is your using suger and yeast and the yeast eats the suger and makes two by-products(alchahol and co2) . now i know that it wouldnt be safe to ferment it in the close space that i use to grow but what if we could vent the gas in there with some sort of closed system, not only would you get moonshine but you would be also feeding your plants with some good stuff. And by safe i meen flamable, please do not get on here and read my post and try it just to burn your house down, i am not responsible, makeing moonshine can be extremely dangerous and i do not recomend it to anyone who doesnt already have the skills to produce it. I no longer make it and it has been a while since i have, but this idea has been kicking around for a while now and was just wondering if anyone has tryed this yet. Thanx, and plus rep to whoever can respond with an intelligant opinion:clap:
so no takers?? :) ok heres what i was thinking , my recipie for making the mash .... I would take a five gallon food grade bucket and add five pounds of suger , two cans of welshes fruit punch frozen concentrate and a package of bakers yeast ( this is the cheap way to go , you can get a better tasting shine by using a name brand yeast they sell at home brew shops) and i would add everything into a bucket except the yeast , then add one boiling pan of water, dont have to be precise we just want the sugers to be disolved, then i add warm water to the halfway point and stir like crazy till everythings disolved in the water then i fill it to about 3/4 the way with cold water, after that i add the yeast to a small cup of warm water but not to hot so as to kill your yeast, and then a small amount of suger, wait untill you see it start bubling, this was my way of giving the yeast a headstart, you can just through it in but i found this was the best way to get those critters eating. after you activate the yeast add it to the bucket with all of your other ingridients. ok this next step is where alot of people mess up you need to have an air bubler to keep your mash nice and clean, if not you could be growing any kinds of bact. molds, ect... i have also made it with a two liter bottle and a balloon with a pin hole in it ..... anyideas??? i think that the extra heat from the grow would be benifical to the yeast as the extra co2 would be ben. to the plants..... any ideas?


Well-Known Member
There is no safety issue with fermenting in your grow area. Just risk of your wash getting infected with things that would make the mash/sugar wash undrinkable. It would be dangerous if you were venting the vapors from a still into your grow area. Buy a carboy (or brew bucket- includes a lid with gasket) instead of a bucket, get a stopper and a hose to lead into a small bucket of water (with the hose under the water). This blowoff tube will allow the co2 out and no bad bugs into the fermenter. You can put 14-17# of sugar per 5gal batch (use the self checkout at the supermarket so you don't have to try and explain why you're buying so much sugar), but you would a need better yeast like white labs hi grav (wlp099 - usually 5-8 bucks) and have to periodically aggitate the fermenter for aeration. It would also take a longer time. Northern brewer or midwest supplies websites have what you need.


Well-Known Member
oh, forgot to mention that the blowoff tube works better with more floculent yeasts (putting off co2 faster) than a standard airlock.
Finally someone thats in une with what im doing the only problembs i can see with what youve said is the amount of suger that you added , in my past exp. i could never get that much suger to ferment because the alc. content would soar and in turn kill off all the yeast, i have tryed the turbo yeast products that are supposed to be able to live in high alc. content and the most i could suc. do was like 7 pounds and it still didnt ferment all of it, i would recomend against the turbo yeast though smells like a wet dog,lol, i really like the idea of the blow off tube, we could actually get the fermenting mash a lil further away from the lights and i have to disagree about the flamable issue , ive seen some pretty stiff mashes that would be a fire issue and personally i wouldnt take the risk, just my opinoin though, thanks for jumping in with an intel. answer +rep


Well-Known Member
Aeration of the wort is key, you might have to do it 3-4 times and it may take a much longer time, several weeks with the last few being a slower rate than the first... good yeast is the key... ale yeast will conk out around 7-9%, wine 12-14, champange mid teens, the turbo yeasts I've used vary greatly... i have a house strain that is a mix of distiller's yeast (usually like 7-8$ a # - versus 5-8$ per 125ml) and wlp099, i've been selectively breeding for a few years that is capable of hitting 22% given enough time. With baker's yeast, you could make a starter (basically a 1L batch in a 2L bottle - remember to burp the bottle) and let the yeast get going and multiply before pitching it into the 5gal batch, that might help a little more.

in all my time in homebrewing, i've never heard of exhaust being dangerous. keep in mind that alcohol is miscible in water while the co2 would rise, but any ethanol in the exhaust would also be miscible in the water submerging the blowoff tube.
yeah i + repped you , thanks for joining in, my concerns were the bucket getting nocked over or something around those lines as for the blow off hose wouldnt that just make more of a pain in the ass then say a bublelock for the simple fact of less hose to trip over or do you have the water container attached to your fermenter? just curious, as i stated earlyer i dont make it anymore but might be interested in the positive effects it might have on a growing plant, have you had the problemb of wet dog smell? idk mayby it was the yeast or mayby the juice i used. thats really intresting that you have your own strain going , thats the first time ive heard that. does it work in your favor and i know how you would breed them and all but how in the hell would you store it??? mayby dry it out? idk thanx DANGEROUS