Could a poltician win soley based on legalizing marijuana?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I was talking more long the ranges of lower seats. Gov, Mayor, even possible trying to grab some congress seats.

Running on the basis you do not accept any corporate donations for your campaign. Run on the belief of looking the other way in regards to marijuana. Start using hemp industrial. Imagine how many jobs that would create in your home town. Not to the mention the money you bring in immediately off of taxes.

I'd like him/her to openly allow gay marriage, pro choice, public choice healthcare reform and an immediate change to campaign financing.
I like where you're headed. Why not just get the government COMPLETELY out of marriage? Then consenting people will decide what THEY want, rather than some bureaucrat. Why do we have to get permission to marry anyway?

I find it curious that you endorse freedom of choice on Pot and marriage, yet you reject freedom when it comes to choice regarding funding healthcare. Why is that?