Coronavirus? What's the big deal?

I’m literally getting dumber by being here. You guys wore me down and win! Nice job. Buy your masks and hand sanitizer sit in your bubble and enjoy your life.

I’ve been going to dinner and movies with no line. It’s the best. This virus is terrible stay inside!

peace out guys
I think by down playing your own fears or bragging about your ignorant opinion on this is whats got you down, the fact is that it does kill people, the fact is its just as contagious as the flu is, the fact is there is no vaccination or cure or anyway to really tackle this very real problem, the fact that you are downplaying on peoples fear and diminishing the very real threats this imposes on our economy and our population, its also a fact that this is too new to collect any real viable information to confirm these numbers that continue to change worse or better, the fact that it could very well infact kill my grandmother in her 70's or my mom in her 50's because my grandmother is old and her health is fair at best, my mother has cancer and would surely perish with this sickness, the fact that i am now joining the crowd of people not allowed to go into work (not paid or compensated in anyway for this missed time) because over half of our staff has contracted this virus because people think its no big deal and downplay the fear and chaos in order to emotionally deal with their own illogical and logical fears... yeah the flu is terrible and does kill people, yes so do cars and plaines, so does cancer, and so do people- dead is dead no matter the cause and its still very serious and depending on the situation it can be very scary too, you can pretend like you are uneffected by this you can say all you want to, if the virus does find you i hope it doesnt find the people dear to you and take them from you like it has others and will continue to take lives until we take this seriously and everyone does their part to stop it from spreading so fast. People like you my friend who feel completely untouchable by this at our airports and bus and train stations amd cruiseship docks not washing hands and not taking precautions 1 to not catch it but 2 to not spread it, unfortunately it wasnt fear spreading this thing its air and arrogance and ignorance and a bulletproof attitude like you can escape an airborn disease that lives on surfaces for 2 weeks and feels like the flu or a minor cold. Stop comparing this to a disease we have studied for a hundred years and have real documented information and real statistics on to downplay the FACT that it really is killing people and stop telling people they are wrong for being worried and trying to vicariously through their own efforts to save themselves and their loved ones could be saving your stupid ass from dying, im not wrong to be afraid for my loved ones or my children, im not wrong because i dont want them to catch a virus (covid-19 or otherwise) nobody is wrong for letting fear and intellect drive them to do smart things like being preventative and aware of what we are facing... yes everyone please wash your hands, please stay home if you are sick, please dont listen to people tell you the way you feel is wrong, at the end of the day wazzup could be right and we will all have been afraid over nothing but wazzup would you rather we be wrong and have done nothing about it, or do you want to be wrong mean while not having done something about it, the very least washing your damn hands like you should be anyways or do you enjoy eating fecies and urine on your food and anything else you may pick up off from every surface you touch throughout your ignorant day? Honestly its a virus you cant see that can live on a surface for weeks, spreads in the air and is as contagoius as the flu that can cause you to die, have you been hospitalized with the flu? Have you seen someone die from a disease? I have and it is scary, its a horrible way to die, its painful and uncomfortable and people beg to die when enough is enough. Until you are on that bedside watching a loved one breathe their last breath and until you actually show some form of intellegence i believe the only thing you are actually doing is insulting people and their families... totally gonna get people to listen to you like that right? Try some tact when presenting your opinion next time and stop defending your utter ignorance in this very real threat for a lot of people thanks.
World military games in Wuhan in October.. U.S. Military aka Patient Zero...

GEEZ what a suprise .. as usual... I guess when your national anthem brags about bombing people.. it ain't no thang
Dollar +1 Yuan -1
I swear I have no idea where some of you decided to label me as a right wing racist. I'm missing something. I marched in Washington on the 20th anniversary of MLK's March. I support gay rights, I'm pro choice, I'm pro immigrant, I have short term fostered blacks and Hispanics. I support reasonable gun control efforts so please b4 you chastise me with slurs at least determine my politics. I not sure how someone pulled the assessment out of their ass about my education I apologize but I'm also pretty confident I'm better educated than you and earn more money while you stock shelves.
So what if I have differing opinions than most of you. I still think it's going to fizzle out relatively quickly and the vast percentage of victims who are generally 75yo plus which is sad but oh well. My mother is 85yo so I do have concerns for her but at 85yo it's better than alzheimers or dementia. Her words not mine. Statistics and projections are a dime a dozen and it's not difficult to find info that supports your position.
So screw you UncleBuck and friends. I see nothing you've written that's of substance and being a jerk doesn't make you knowledgeable, It just makes you a jerk. Just because I initially asked for opinions doesn't mean I automatically accept what you opine. I'm looking forward to a little bit more name calling but at least relate it to something I've said or done and not just unsupported. If by chance you want to convert a Trump loyalist I'd suggest you'll get further without name calling and allegations or belittlement. you guys have a nice day
I readily believe you're better schooled, and make more money than a lot of you're critics.. Not all by a long shot.. Being better schooled does not mean you've been better educated.. With a mother that old, it means you're not a spring chicken.. It also means is that you haven't become better educated, as you've grown older.. And like DT always says, it has nothing to do with politics.. Like today, I made 4 new Republican friends, and I only had to kill one of them.. It would not have been any different if they had been Democrats..
I swear I have no idea where some of you decided to label me as a right wing racist. I'm missing something. I marched in Washington on the 20th anniversary of MLK's March. I support gay rights, I'm pro choice, I'm pro immigrant, I have short term fostered blacks and Hispanics. I support reasonable gun control efforts so please b4 you chastise me with slurs at least determine my politics. I not sure how someone pulled the assessment out of their ass about my education I apologize but I'm also pretty confident I'm better educated than you and earn more money while you stock shelves.
So what if I have differing opinions than most of you. I still think it's going to fizzle out relatively quickly and the vast percentage of victims who are generally 75yo plus which is sad but oh well. My mother is 85yo so I do have concerns for her but at 85yo it's better than alzheimers or dementia. Her words not mine. Statistics and projections are a dime a dozen and it's not difficult to find info that supports your position.
So screw you UncleBuck and friends. I see nothing you've written that's of substance and being a jerk doesn't make you knowledgeable, It just makes you a jerk. Just because I initially asked for opinions doesn't mean I automatically accept what you opine. I'm looking forward to a little bit more name calling but at least relate it to something I've said or done and not just unsupported. If by chance you want to convert a Trump loyalist I'd suggest you'll get further without name calling and allegations or belittlement. you guys have a nice day
I don’t think your thread title has aged well, you dumb trump sucking racist
I think by down playing your own fears or bragging about your ignorant opinion on this is whats got you down, the fact is that it does kill people, the fact is its just as contagious as the flu is, the fact is there is no vaccination or cure or anyway to really tackle this very real problem, the fact that you are downplaying on peoples fear and diminishing the very real threats this imposes on our economy and our population, its also a fact that this is too new to collect any real viable information to confirm these numbers that continue to change worse or better, the fact that it could very well infact kill my grandmother in her 70's or my mom in her 50's because my grandmother is old and her health is fair at best, my mother has cancer and would surely perish with this sickness, the fact that i am now joining the crowd of people not allowed to go into work (not paid or compensated in anyway for this missed time) because over half of our staff has contracted this virus because people think its no big deal and downplay the fear and chaos in order to emotionally deal with their own illogical and logical fears... yeah the flu is terrible and does kill people, yes so do cars and plaines, so does cancer, and so do people- dead is dead no matter the cause and its still very serious and depending on the situation it can be very scary too, you can pretend like you are uneffected by this you can say all you want to, if the virus does find you i hope it doesnt find the people dear to you and take them from you like it has others and will continue to take lives until we take this seriously and everyone does their part to stop it from spreading so fast. People like you my friend who feel completely untouchable by this at our airports and bus and train stations amd cruiseship docks not washing hands and not taking precautions 1 to not catch it but 2 to not spread it, unfortunately it wasnt fear spreading this thing its air and arrogance and ignorance and a bulletproof attitude like you can escape an airborn disease that lives on surfaces for 2 weeks and feels like the flu or a minor cold. Stop comparing this to a disease we have studied for a hundred years and have real documented information and real statistics on to downplay the FACT that it really is killing people and stop telling people they are wrong for being worried and trying to vicariously through their own efforts to save themselves and their loved ones could be saving your stupid ass from dying, im not wrong to be afraid for my loved ones or my children, im not wrong because i dont want them to catch a virus (covid-19 or otherwise) nobody is wrong for letting fear and intellect drive them to do smart things like being preventative and aware of what we are facing... yes everyone please wash your hands, please stay home if you are sick, please dont listen to people tell you the way you feel is wrong, at the end of the day wazzup could be right and we will all have been afraid over nothing but wazzup would you rather we be wrong and have done nothing about it, or do you want to be wrong mean while not having done something about it, the very least washing your damn hands like you should be anyways or do you enjoy eating fecies and urine on your food and anything else you may pick up off from every surface you touch throughout your ignorant day? Honestly its a virus you cant see that can live on a surface for weeks, spreads in the air and is as contagoius as the flu that can cause you to die, have you been hospitalized with the flu? Have you seen someone die from a disease? I have and it is scary, its a horrible way to die, its painful and uncomfortable and people beg to die when enough is enough. Until you are on that bedside watching a loved one breathe their last breath and until you actually show some form of intellegence i believe the only thing you are actually doing is insulting people and their families... totally gonna get people to listen to you like that right? Try some tact when presenting your opinion next time and stop defending your utter ignorance in this very real threat for a lot of people thanks.
That fear is the same logic they use for religion. What if you’re right and we just die. But what if I’m right and you go to hell.

I’m not saying don’t be careful I’m just saying there are worse things killing more people everyday and we do nothing.

By the way great post well written and great points. I read every word even though it was long because it wasnt full of disrespectful insults.

Look what happens when half the world freaks out. Imagine if we allowed you guys to drag all of us with you.

And it IS killing people no one is saying it isn’t. I’m saying is NOT killing by the numbers you guys claim. We’re at like 50 in the US? That’s not a crazy high number sorry.
That fear is the same logic they use for religion. What if you’re right and we just die. But what if I’m right and you go to hell.

I’m not saying don’t be careful I’m just saying there are worse things killing more people everyday and we do nothing.
suck trumps dick as hard as you want but grocery stores are depleted
Jesus Buck have you completely lost the ability to converse? It seems like you can't get past being hostile. I hope you at least vote and please don't tell me your hoarding toilet paper.
No I'm not a spring chicken but I've learned to be open to new ideas but not to be badgered into accepting them as the new gospel. It's when your mind can't be changed that you stop being teachable.
I'm also a godless atheist so maybe this is going to be exactly what the earth needs. The biggest problem facing the human race is overpopulation. Maybe a mass die off will give the world time to recover from the damage we've inflicted on it. Maybe it's the only way to correct the terminal problems of global warming and the myriad of other problems humans are responsible for. I'm certain that if the virus kills all us old folks the rest of you will rally around Greta and sing the tune of Kumbaya. So if I'm right and C19 fizzles out or if I'm wrong and it proves devastating so what. It's a win win just please let it take UncleSuck
Jesus Buck have you completely lost the ability to converse? It seems like you can't get past being hostile. I hope you at least vote and please don't tell me your hoarding toilet paper.
No I'm not a spring chicken but I've learned to be open to new ideas but not to be badgered into accepting them as the new gospel. It's when your mind can't be changed that you stop being teachable.
I'm also a godless atheist so maybe this is going to be exactly what the earth needs. The biggest problem facing the human race is overpopulation. Maybe a mass die off will give the world time to recover from the damage we've inflicted on it. Maybe it's the only way to correct the terminal problems of global warming and the myriad of other problems humans are responsible for. I'm certain that if the virus kills all us old folks the rest of you will rally around Greta and sing the tune of Kumbaya. So if I'm right and C19 fizzles out or if I'm wrong and it proves devastating so what. It's a win win just please let it take UncleSuck
I'm glad you can evolve, people are dying and will in large numbers yourself and myself among them. If you supported trump and realised the error in it, welcome back to the human race, believe what you want, vote for the good of your country for fuck sake. Trump's dereliction of duty and incompetence might kill 5 or 10 million Americans over the next several months and people are gonna want the fuckers head on a stake.
Jesus Buck have you completely lost the ability to converse? It seems like you can't get past being hostile. I hope you at least vote and please don't tell me your hoarding toilet paper.
No I'm not a spring chicken but I've learned to be open to new ideas but not to be badgered into accepting them as the new gospel. It's when your mind can't be changed that you stop being teachable.
I'm also a godless atheist so maybe this is going to be exactly what the earth needs. The biggest problem facing the human race is overpopulation. Maybe a mass die off will give the world time to recover from the damage we've inflicted on it. Maybe it's the only way to correct the terminal problems of global warming and the myriad of other problems humans are responsible for. I'm certain that if the virus kills all us old folks the rest of you will rally around Greta and sing the tune of Kumbaya. So if I'm right and C19 fizzles out or if I'm wrong and it proves devastating so what. It's a win win just please let it take UncleSuck
Do you want me to suck your dick now
Jesus Buck have you completely lost the ability to converse? It seems like you can't get past being hostile. I hope you at least vote and please don't tell me your hoarding toilet paper.
No I'm not a spring chicken but I've learned to be open to new ideas but not to be badgered into accepting them as the new gospel. It's when your mind can't be changed that you stop being teachable.
I'm also a godless atheist so maybe this is going to be exactly what the earth needs. The biggest problem facing the human race is overpopulation. Maybe a mass die off will give the world time to recover from the damage we've inflicted on it. Maybe it's the only way to correct the terminal problems of global warming and the myriad of other problems humans are responsible for. I'm certain that if the virus kills all us old folks the rest of you will rally around Greta and sing the tune of Kumbaya. So if I'm right and C19 fizzles out or if I'm wrong and it proves devastating so what. It's a win win just please let it take UncleSuck
You may now apologize for you being you again.
World military games in Wuhan in October.. U.S. Military aka Patient Zero...

GEEZ what a suprise .. as usual... I guess when your national anthem brags about bombing people.. it ain't no thang
Dollar +1 Yuan -1
You arent really buying into the Chinese propaganda are you? Hahaha stoner politics, so funny.