corn field question


Well-Known Member
i have 4 in a local corn field. 2 are about 4-5 feet from the edge of the first row in PLENTY of sun and one is about 1-2 feet away from the edge and the fourth and final one is like 15 rows INTO the corn field in a nice wide row with PLENTY of sun and room for growth. the only thing i am concerned about is... harvest. i do not believe my plants will be done before the corn.... so what do i do? i cant transplant half way through flowering. does any one else grow in corn fields? i am only really worried about 2 of them.... the two that are 4-5 feet away from the corn i have no concerns for other than the possibility of being spotted durring the corn harvest. when are the corn harvest dates in the north east? i'm going to try and find out

does any one have any ideas, or thoughts from experiences? ---- and does any one personaly grow in a corn field, or did in the past? if so how was the grow?


Active Member
What kind of corn field is this? Some corn is cut sooner then others! Concerting most corn is made to cornmeal it has to dry for a longer time then corn on the cob so find out what the corn is used for.


Well-Known Member
This is why i would never ever plant in a cornfiels...Worrying about the corn being harvested before yours


Active Member
You could always find a farmer willing to do that for you ? :>) I wonder if the Amish grow ?


Well-Known Member
i think it is 'cow corn' if any one is familiar with that. it is used to feed the local cows. most of the corn fields in my town are 'cow corn' i think i'm just going to have to wait and see.