Cork Jars, check em' out!

Thurgood jenkin$

Active Member
What up guys? I just wanted to post some pictures of some of some of my jars, see what people think and if they like them.

Thanks! :eyesmoke:IMG_0735.jpg104.jpgIMG_0718.jpgIMG_0710.jpg102.jpgIMG_0732.jpgIMG_0714.jpg105.jpgIMG_0712.jpgIMG_0713.jpgIMG_0729.jpg106.jpg
Let me know!


Well-Known Member
that white one reminds me of a Cheese Moon. you should/should've glazed it a pale pea soup green with some yellowing highlights. :) and if you didnt make em i still like em...

Thurgood jenkin$

Active Member
Yes I made these, And so far just for sale to my homies. but I'm looking at trying to get them at some of the local head shops. I'm just trying to see what people think of them.