Cops Suck!!


New Member
thought it would be a good thread. share your power tripping copper stories.

i was back home where i grew up a few summers ago spending some time with family and old friends. where my parent live is very wooded with lots of state and county park. it's not alaska but you get the point. anyway, i was driving back up to there house one evening around 9pm. i really had to take a piss so i pulled over onto a large shoulder and jumped out to take a piss in the woods. as i was going to the bathroom a cop drove by. now i knew he was gonna stop. what cop wouldn't. so he turned around and pulled up on me as i was finishing. he starting questioning me about drinking and what not. i told him i hadn't been drinking and that i was just on my home and couldn't hold it. he then made me take a breathalizer and do a field sobriety test after i blew a 0 on the test. then he asked to search my car and i said no. then he began to search me cause he said something suspicious was going on. he found a pocket knife and started questioning me about it. i told him there was nothing illegal about carrying a small 4" blade. he went on telling me that i didn't need it and asking me why i had it. at this poit another cop showed up and jumped right in with the questioning and harrassment. after about an hour of this and them having me sitting on the side of the road for no reason i became verbally abusive toward them. i stayed within the legal limits but basically told them to go fuck themselves. at this point the put me in handcuffs and stuffed me in the back of their car. then they searched my car illegally and left me in the cop car for 90 minutes without telling me anything. when they were done searching my car by hand and with a k-9 unit they took me out of the car and took off the handcuffs. they gave me back my id and a $150 ticket for urinating in public. mind you i am in the woods on a stretch of road that runs through a very heavily forrested area. then the cop gave me back my knife and told me not to carry it anymore; that this was not a warzone. at this point i gave him one of my business cards and told him to call me anytime. that i would gladly beat that attitude out of him at the gym. he didn't like that. lol. i then told him to go fuck himself (those words) and left.
That story made my hate for the police increase 10fold just because it's the sorta shit they do for no fucking reason, because they can.
When you put yourself in that position and give them that opportunity, they will take it every time if they're a dick. And most of the time, they are a dick.
something about the power they have just turns them into douchebags. ultimate power corrupst ultimately.

think they train them to be douchebags at the academy?
something about the power they have just turns them into douchebags. ultimate power corrupst ultimately.

think they train them to be douchebags at the academy?
Well they kinda to need to be like that, because when they run into an actual criminal that can kill him, he can't be lenient and nice. So I guess they are all like that to you if you come off with an attitude, even if your not, just if THEY THINK you are, they will be a dick. I've had nice cops before. They do exist. lol. Most of the time, when your respectful to someone, they should respect you back, if they don't, that's on them, you were being nice and did nothing wrong.
Most of the pigs are the kids in school who talk shit then run the other way. The cop that busted me 15 years after school was over, I used to let him talk shit to me and my friends but would hide to chatch him then beat the piss outta him. Even after I was done whooping his ass he would lay their on the ground an talk shit as I walked away. Lol

Any ways he got me 15 years later for 1 gram over the legal "ticketed" carrying limit. Fucking cock!
that story explains why i hate the police perfectly. they say the cops are the same everywhere but i would swear that story happened in massachusetts because it sums up almost any interaction i've ever had with the police. they were baiting you to commit a crime so they could justify their actions.

all LEOs should be psychologically profiled and the results should be accessible to the public. it's no secret that that line of work attracts particular types of people.