Cops robbed me WTF

I was not charged with anything or given any kind of ticket. They said they will bring it to the prosecutor so I'm assuming they could try to come back with charges which I do not fear. It would be highly unlikely I would go to jail. They don't really put people in jail here for marihuana offenses unless it's something more serious. If they try to book me I'll bail out so fast my dinner will still be warm by the time I get out. They don't scare me. I've been through much worse incidents as a kid.

I went to the station and talked to a different supervisor and told him what happen. He gave me the name of the other supervisor. He said he did not know why they even would take it. Said If he could he would have given it back to me right now but since it was a different supervisor he is not allowed to do that. He took down some information for them to call me. I told him I understand there can be a lot of confusion since the laws are always changing. He said he appreciated my patience. I also kinda know him as I guess you could say an acquaintance over the years. Always thought he was a good cop, more laid back, friendly, and well liked by others. So far any time I've ever dealt with the police in my life, most of them were positive experiences. But I also work 2 honest jobs, have no record, show the police respect, and don't ever cause trouble for them or give them an attitude. I am however not blind to the fact that crooked cops do exist. I know it as a fact, even in my area.

So I guess I will wait a few days and see what happens. If I don't get a call I will go down there again to get an update. I have a few more solid plans lined up if things don't work out. I will keep you all up to date if interested. I'm still a long way from even talking to a lawyer.

I'm just hoping to help any others that may have to go through this experience in the future, or anyone having any similar issues.

Thanks for the responses and nice vids. I love watching police videos.
We grow them at our farm and sell to our customers directly. It means we can offer them at very good, dutch farm prices and we are sure of their quality. We got some GOOD MEDICAL marijuana/weeds,hemp oil,wax and their SEEDS For more details:
Text/Call :(540) 987-0930

540 is in Virginia.

Virginia Marijuana Laws - FindLaw › Learn About The Law › State Laws › Virginia Law
Sale and cultivation of marijuana carry even higher fines and punishment under federal law. First offenses can put someone in jail for five years, and large amounts can put someone in jail for life, with a one million dollar fine.Virginia Marijuana Possession Laws. Possession of any amount ofmarijuana in Virginia is a ...

This link is also interesting.

BUYER BEWARE! Do not do business with a person that uses the phone number (540)987-0930 and the name Levi Chandler. Levi took my money and claimed to ship my order using a bogus delivery company called American Express World, who will contact you and insist that you have to pay $800 insurance (or hush) money to guarantee they don't tell the authorities and will deliver your order. Embezzlement at it's finest These people are con artist. BUYER BEWARE
Got pulled over here in mich the other day. Was speeding (goin 10 over late for work) and also because of this was quick in my last decisions before leaving i ended up bringing my rosen bong and my material. So back 2 story i get flicked and pulled over right away, as cop approached passenger side due to traffic i crack window and almost immediately upon asking for registration and license the cop said he smelled mj.. im like "oh great here we go..." so i proceed to let him know I'm in accordance with MMMP card holder. He asks for card... then he asks to "see the weed".. to my benefit i had been very compliant whole while hands left on wheel etc.. i show him and He just goes oh its wax? Then tells me to put away, he took my card and license to his car and he wrote me a ticket for 1-5mph over :lol: came back told me my mmmp card was expired told me he could technically give me a possession charge right now and proceeded to lecture me on how they don't really know the grey area on this whole medical marijuana movement and to just make sure that don't transport it.

... so i too am still a little foggy on is it safe to transfer in lockbox or no transporting at all....
540 is in Virginia.

Virginia Marijuana Laws - FindLaw › Learn About The Law › State Laws › Virginia Law
Sale and cultivation of marijuana carry even higher fines and punishment under federal law. First offenses can put someone in jail for five years, and large amounts can put someone in jail for life, with a one million dollar fine.Virginia Marijuana Possession Laws. Possession of any amount ofmarijuana in Virginia is a ...

This link is also interesting.

BUYER BEWARE! Do not do business with a person that uses the phone number (540)987-0930 and the name Levi Chandler. Levi took my money and claimed to ship my order using a bogus delivery company called American Express World, who will contact you and insist that you have to pay $800 insurance (or hush) money to guarantee they don't tell the authorities and will deliver your order. Embezzlement at it's finest These people are con artist. BUYER BEWARE

Ima call and ask how many fix he can fit in his mouth ..... Il try to record and share

Edit: not fix,, fucking auto correct.....I meant big fat Harry cocks ....not fix
Got pulled over here in mich the other day. Was speeding (goin 10 over late for work) and also because of this was quick in my last decisions before leaving i ended up bringing my rosen bong and my material. So back 2 story i get flicked and pulled over right away, as cop approached passenger side due to traffic i crack window and almost immediately upon asking for registration and license the cop said he smelled mj.. im like "oh great here we go..." so i proceed to let him know I'm in accordance with MMMP card holder. He asks for card... then he asks to "see the weed".. to my benefit i had been very compliant whole while hands left on wheel etc.. i show him and He just goes oh its wax? Then tells me to put away, he took my card and license to his car and he wrote me a ticket for 1-5mph over :lol: came back told me my mmmp card was expired told me he could technically give me a possession charge right now and proceeded to lecture me on how they don't really know the grey area on this whole medical marijuana movement and to just make sure that don't transport it.

... so i too am still a little foggy on is it safe to transfer in lockbox or no transporting at all....
Back in 2010, i was pulled over driving on suspended, had just grabbed two ounces of ak47-super stinky. It was just in a grocery bag, anyway, they towed my car, put me in jail, i bonded myself out(300$ cash on me) and on the way out, a fat old cop gave me that sweer bag back with a lecture-something along the lines of “that stuff will do more hard to you than we ever could”...was 2010..completely shocking. I had paid an arm and leg for that back then. I remember seeing everyone in the little office area checking it out while they were interviewing me. Cop had no clue what a caregiver did at that point in time.
... so i too am still a little foggy on is it safe to transfer in lockbox or no transporting at all....

good question.

people v latz said the transport 750.474 law does not apply to patients who have section 4 protection.

your card expired which means you didnt have section 4 protection.

the MMMA was amended and now any marihuana infused product has to have a manifest and label to be transported.

333.26424b Transporting or possessing marihuana-infused product; violation; fine.

Sec. 4b.

(1) Except as provided in subsections (2) to (4), a qualifying patient or primary caregiver shall not transport or possess a marihuana-infused product in or upon a motor vehicle.

(2) This section does not prohibit a qualifying patient from transporting or possessing a marihuana-infused product in or upon a motor vehicle if the marihuana-infused product is in a sealed and labeled package that is carried in the trunk of the vehicle or, if the vehicle does not have a trunk, is carried so as not to be readily accessible from the interior of the vehicle. The label must state the weight of the marihuana-infused product in ounces, name of the manufacturer, date of manufacture, name of the person from whom the marihuana-infused product was received, and date of receipt.

(3) This section does not prohibit a primary caregiver from transporting or possessing a marihuana-infused product in or upon a motor vehicle if the marihuana-infused product is accompanied by an accurate marihuana transportation manifest and enclosed in a case carried in the trunk of the vehicle or, if the vehicle does not have a trunk, is enclosed in a case and carried so as not to be readily accessible from the interior of the vehicle. The manifest form must state the weight of each marihuana-infused product in ounces, name and address of the manufacturer, date of manufacture, destination name and address, date and time of departure, estimated date and time of arrival, and, if applicable, name and address of the person from whom the product was received and date of receipt.

(4) This section does not prohibit a primary caregiver from transporting or possessing a marihuana-infused product in or upon a motor vehicle for the use of his or her child, spouse, or parent who is a qualifying patient if the marihuana-infused product is in a sealed and labeled package that is carried in the trunk of the vehicle or, if the vehicle does not have a trunk, is carried so as not to be readily accessible from the interior of the vehicle. The label must state the weight of the marihuana-infused product in ounces, name of the manufacturer, date of manufacture, name of the qualifying patient, and, if applicable, name of the person from whom the marihuana-infused product was received and date of receipt.

(5) For purposes of determining compliance with quantity limitations under section 4, there is a rebuttable presumption that the weight of a marihuana-infused product listed on its package label or on a marihuana transportation manifest is accurate.

(6) A qualifying patient or primary caregiver who violates this section is responsible for a civil fine of not more than $250.00.

(f) "Marihuana-infused product" means a topical formulation, tincture, beverage, edible substance, or similar product containing any usable marihuana that is intended for human consumption in a manner other than smoke inhalation. Marihuana-infused product shall not be considered a food for purposes of the food law, 2000 PA 92, MCL 289.1101 to 289.8111.

(n) "Usable marihuana" means the dried leaves, flowers, plant resin, or extract of the marihuana plant, but does not include the seeds, stalks, and roots of the plant.

so wax is an extract and is just usable marijuana?
but a cop could probably say he didnt know if it was an extract or a marihuana infused product.

shits about to get weird in the future. dont speed. good luck
yeah so city cops raided me without a warrant and stole everything.l...tucking pigs smoking and selling it. karma is a bad bitch. I hope they all need it for something one day then I can piss in their face and just laugh

they used the city inspector to get in without a warrant. turns out they all are working together in a big criminal scheme.

the mayor was a city cop for like 40 years before being mayor. he appoints a city inspector who is is friend and cop. the inspector also owns a property restoration company while condemning houses people are happily living in. Then the inspector sends his cop friends to raid the houses. they throw you in a hospital to make sure you are ok ....yeahright...while stealing your weed. if your house is worth anything to them they will steal that as well...
don't let them trick you into signing those papers at the hospital...
America fuck yeah!
Dude. That sucks bad. Fuck em!

My best suggestion. Invest in huge amount of raw LSD. Use it to paint every surface in your home. It will take some getting used to as your tolerance build but if you are a good person it will go well.
But, the next little piggy that tries robbing you will have a big surprise. Yes it will be quite expensive (17k a gram last I heard), but it will surely make them think before kicking in any doors.

Hope it works.
Thanks for the info. This lawyer Josh Covert made a name for himself helping Mr. Latz. I'm glad Mr. Latz was successful but I don't like how Josh Covert has a bullshit consultation fee. Mr.s Latz case was actually more unique. Basically Mr. Latz has deliberating medical conditions and the cops treated him like a criminal by throwing him in jail for nothing. Also taking his dog to the pound. There was no excuse for those asshole cops to be so harsh on him. That had a lot to do with his success. Lavigne is another one I would not trust. I know a couple friends over the years who paid a lot of money to lawyers through NORML and didn't get anything more than a court appointed attorney could have got them. I don't trust most NORML lawyers. If this were serious I would have had no problem paying a consultation fee.
Where I live they don't really put people in jail for pot unless you have a large amount of product, are over plant count, get caught selling illegally, or if you don't comply with sentencing such as fines and probation. Usually for illegal transportation people get about a $300 fine no jail no probation. Even non medical card holders don't get jail, usually just a fine, probation, substance abuse counseling. We have a real bad meth and opioid epidemic in the area, they tend to focus more on that along with people smuggling Medical Marihuana across state lines. B & Es are also real bad but unfortunately the courts are too lenient on those people. Because the judges have to follow sentencing guidelines, they can't give a lot of these scum as much time as they would like to. They are very lenient on pot though as long as you're not a scum with a big rap sheet.
I'm having technical issues with the site with duplicate posts and it not letting me edit to add on the my 2 previous posts. Just reading some of these posts and never knew I could get a 15 year old troll so butt hurt just for being a grammar Nazi. I really don't care about gramma, not great myself, but I just think it's pointless to troll. It doesn't help RIU.

Anyways to answer a question, I was pulled over for having a license plate light out which I was not aware of.
I scheduled an appointment with a lawyer who is a friend of some of my relatives. In the mean time I called half a dozen lawyers all over the state just to see their take on it. Some more helpful than others. One told me House Bill 4606 is not in effect yet. Said to always lock it and it would probably cost me a lot of money to try and get my dope back. Obviously not worth it. I was going to try and talk to the prosecutor but since I had the appointment with the lawyer I figured I would ask him first. It went very well and I'm in the clear. The lawyer said the prosecutor filed a motion to dismiss since I have no record however if I do it again they will not only confiscate my pot again but send police to my house to give me papers for a court date and hit me with a fine.

Lesson learned. Don't believe the fake news you see or hear. Keep it in a lock box and if you have a trunk put the lock box in there. How hard is it? Yeah, was stupid/lazy of me but hopefully others can learn from this until HB 4606 actually passes if ever. Otherwise your local PD will be having a hash bash with YOURE weed.
... so i too am still a little foggy on is it safe to transfer in lockbox or no transporting at all....

It really all depends on the cop and sometimes their supervisor. I'm no lawyer but after talking to many of them, I think it's safe to say you're good if you keep it in a lock box in your trunk. If you don't have a trunk keep the lock box out of reach. Otherwise it's up to the police to do as they please. Then up to the prosecutor to file charges or not if the police notify them. Then up to the district judge to decide your fate if it goes that far.

Also if you have a valid medical license, the police cannot use smell or having a card as a reason to search. They can sure come up with other excuses to search if they really want to. I actually never had police ever search me once in my entire life. This incident they asked if there was anything else in the car, I told them no, they asked are you sure, I said as far as I know, you can search if you want. They never did just took the dope after I told them where it was. Years ago when the medical laws were new and there was no transportation law I got pulled over for going 15 over. Cop said I know you have marijuana and don't you bullshit me I can smell it. My friend had a roach which he ate because he was paranoid upon being lit up. The smell lingered from the roach. I show my card and told him I have nothing in the car. To prove my honesty I told him you can search if you want. He said why would I do that? You have a card. Since you were honest and didn't give me attitude here's a break for only 5 over. That's all I've ever been in trouble for, speeding tickets. Civil Infractions.