• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Cops raided my house! FUCK

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Well-Known Member
Men attack women and women attack men when the oppurtunity presents itself. How many times you ever heard women say men are dogs or pigs. Just because some dog or pig fucked them over. But I will say this: A womans way of revenge is a lot different than mens. Men prefer to get physical, where a woman uses her brain to fuck you over. I could be wrong but its my opinion!!!


Well-Known Member
I agree Mane, when you are in that position where someone is in on your game, U will have to bite your tounge sometimes to protect your ass!!
Thanks:), I don't even argue with girls that much there's no need they think they right regardless.
Well scratch that i just know when to shut the fuck up n let her talk.
No need to get loud n shit and call her a bitch when she can go to police, or let it be known how I operate.

You just gotta know when to be cool:D


Well-Known Member
:D I hope the only blow-job you can ever get in your life is from a 6'4" bleached blonde tranny with snaggled teeth. :lol:
And no big titties for you (especially the real ones)!

Why are women the devil just because some men are truly fucking idiots and are playing a game they're not ready for? :|

Misogyny really is alive and well in the growing community. :roll:

All you men talking smack against women, ooo.. you're so gonna reap what you sow. And when you wonder, Why me? know that a woman warned you. Maybe it's not so much the company, but the company you keep.
Surely to god you aren't justifying snitching someone out for ANY reason whatsoever? If a guy shits on his girl, does that justify snitching him out? Or vice versa? If you think it does, I'll bet that you'd probably be someone who would key someones car as a method of payback.

you guys are a bunch of misogynist bastards, in a completely non hypothetical way of course. pricks.
Wow...I'm a newcomer to these here "parts" so I'm just getting the culture but yeah...the misogyny in this thread here is totally fucked up and horrifying. Ya know, it ain't only women that drop dimes. I used to have a life involved in criminal defense and I can tell you that all the informers that I came across were XYs chromosomes Too bad ya got fucked but getting fucked ain't gender specific - but to turn this into some kinda gender gangster war zone is HIGHLY fucked up. You better not let your plants hear ya talking smack about women...they might just decide to rebel on ya.
It aint about gender. Call a spade a spade. Yes, the names that were used to describe the girl horrible, nasty, and base. But that is totally in keeping with her character. I don't call people who are stand up good people horrible, nasty or base names. I dont care WHAT dude did, you just don't snitch. Period.
If the positions were reversed, and dude did that to his girl, he'd be a fucking prick, and deserving of the same fate/punishment as I wished on the bitch.
Do you girls, when you're between yourselves, not call an undesireable, low down, meanspirited guy names that are less than flattering or respectful? Ever have a girlfriend whos guy dicked her over in a not so nice way? Bitch (or the not so nice "C" word, and I apologise for using it outloud.) is just an undesireable, lowdown, meanspirited woman, just as being a fucking prick, or cocksucker (or mysogynous bastard) would be the equivalent in a man.
Male or female it's snitching, and thats a REALLY HUGE breach of etiquette, and they deserve any fate that befalls them. Hopefully being called a Bitch, or Prick won't be the worst thing that happens.
It probably SHOULD be kept between the guys (as I am sure it's kept between the girls), alot of us, myself included, have to keep reminding ourselves that there are women on this site.

I don't care who you are, there are other ways to get even, or get revenge, than snitching. Hell, I can get creative as hell fucking with someones life, and have A GREAT TIME doing it. Being a snitch just not socially acceptable. Societies have reviled them since the biblical days for sure. I agree that we all should be a bit more circumspect in our descriptive terms when referring to women, but ya'll aint right taking the side of the snivelling snitching bitch (or cocksucking prick/mysogynous bastard if it were the guy).

Why is it that it's almost invariably ALWAYS the girl who gets her panties in a wad and snitches the guy out to get even? And what would YOU call her? I say almost always just in case there actually IS a case where the guy snitched out the girl. I doubt it very seriously, but it COULD have happened at some point I guess

If my girlfriend grew dope, and if I caught her screwing my best friend (who ALSO would be a grower) in a hotel, and charging everything to MY CREDIT CARD, I can think of many, many things I could or might do to "get even" (if I were so inclined), but snitching out thier grows (or anything else for that matter) would NOT be one of those things. It's just wrong at so many levels. It's cowardly.


Well-Known Member
I'm a male...I don't particularly like the word "bitch" - so be it. I understand name calling, though its not my thing. Rather, it's the "shoot her," "stab her," "beat her," "rape her," that I find to be meta fucked up shit. Some of these posts evidence real, genuine hatred of women. And that's too bad for them but it's galactically, shockingly, breathtakingly messed up. What this person is alleged to have done is fucked up, to be sure. Revenge on some level may be called for but the hate, villification and calls for utter, terminal violence just sucks.


Well-Known Member
simple revenge man!! see what i would do! buy a small rock or 2 maybe a little shrooms,, devide those fuckers in gramms, the plant that shit in her car and call the cops,,, that';l teach the bitch!! dirty cunt cocksucker asshole foreskin turd!!


Well-Known Member
damn i read it and i thought he was really up shit creak. i meant it when i told him to shot his woman and bury her haha.

i think spida got kicked from riu mane


Active Member
How about just dont trust anybody not only femails snitch males to thats why its important to keep everybody out of your business. I been in this game for a while people i deal with dont know where i stay.


Well-Known Member
I'm a male...I don't particularly like the word "bitch" - so be it. I understand name calling, though its not my thing. Rather, it's the "shoot her," "stab her," "beat her," "rape her," that I find to be meta fucked up shit. Some of these posts evidence real, genuine hatred of women. And that's too bad for them but it's galactically, shockingly, breathtakingly messed up. What this person is alleged to have done is fucked up, to be sure. Revenge on some level may be called for but the hate, villification and calls for utter, terminal violence just sucks.
Yeah, gotta go with you on that one. I wouldn't condone raping anyone either. But those comments weren't made against women as a whole. Just one snitching one. It could just as easily be "shoot him, beat him". I believe the sentiments and name calling would have been equally severe if it were a guy. It's not a hatred or disrespect of women, it's a hatred and disrespect for a wretched, vile person who deserves niether respect or anything, at least as far as I am concerned.
A snitch is now and has ALWAYS been vilified by most societies. It's fundamentally an antisocial behavior. And I truly believe that they are deserving of whatever fate they get, including all of the above. I personally find rape to be almost as repugnant as snitching and would never personally do that, but maybe it should still be kept on the list of possible retribution. (For those who COULD stomach it) . Personally, I would inflict as much damage as I could upon thier physical person as I could without killing them, then after they get out of the hospital, do it again. And I would not lose one minute of sleep over it.
It may suck, but a snitch is deserving of vilification, and IS deserving of utter, terminal violence. I liken them to child molesters, rapists, woman beaters, or any other repulsive and vile living being. They most CERTAINLY should be social pariahs, and marked as such, thats for sure. And believe me, it aint gender specific.


Well-Known Member
Did you ever think that your friend was
bullshitting you and was just tellin you that
shit so that he could keep all the weed for himself? it seems shady to me that it happened so close to harvest time... idk just wonderin!


Well-Known Member
Did you ever think that your friend was
bullshitting you and was just tellin you that
shit so that he could keep all the weed for himself? it seems shady to me that it happened so close to harvest time... idk just wonderin!
i was thinking the same thing when i frist read it. And now starting on page 3 this is starting to get out of control. :)


Well-Known Member
you should take a hypothetical gun to your girls head before this hypothetically happens, hypothetically speaking...


Active Member
fuk that bitch, hunt that bitch till she kills herself for her ignorant ass self niga, i'd woop the homies ass n then beat that bitch son....


Junior Creatologist
tru dat mang. i got mi own little grow starting so atleast i got something and didnt lose everything. i think its best to keep a grow 2 yourself and i learned that the hard way

Dude, do u think its wise for you to be telling people that you have anothr grow in the works?? and to be honest, you shouldn't even be on the pc right now talkin to any of us, you should be thinkin of a place to go too. Cuz you might think you know your friend, but do you REALLY know him? as in, do you think hes gonna do 5-10 for you? or do you think he might cut a deal in order to shorten his sentence and get a little company in the pen?

Im pretty sure that if some fuckin pigs raided mine n my dudes growhouse, and my dude got caught, the LAST thing i would be doing is comin on here to let everyone know what happened. Im pretty sure my ass would be dippin into my emergency cash stash, n id be dippin outta canananada.

-thats just me though. I dont have a perpencity to trust other people with my freedom.

Also, just a question - i know that some of you guys out there have experience with situations like this, and know how to deal with snitches, and know when the best time to deal with them is, but for those that dont, im gonna say this - Revenge is a dish best served cold. If your going to get revenge on this dudes girl, dont even think about doin it anytime in the near future. In fact, dont even think about this chick at all for a year or two. You need to remember that chances are, she doesn't fuck people over very often on this grand of a scale, and if something should happen to her, chances are that fingers will get directly pointed at you n your dude.

You seriously need to think about makin your whereabouts unknown to anyone except those who are most close to u cuz like i said, you really dont know your dude very well...you'd be surprised what people do when they realize theyre facing the next 5 years in jail. They'll be willing to do whatever it takes to dwindle that sentence down as much as possible. You could go from conspirator to mastermind in about 10 seconds if your friend wanted to put it like that..
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