I hope the only blow-job you can ever get in your life is from a 6'4" bleached blonde tranny with snaggled teeth.

And no big titties for you (especially the real ones)!
Why are women the devil just because some men are truly fucking idiots and are playing a game they're not ready for?
Misogyny really is alive and well in the growing community.
All you men talking smack against women, ooo.. you're so gonna reap what you sow. And when you wonder, Why me? know that a woman warned you. Maybe it's not so much the company, but the company you keep.
Surely to god you aren't justifying snitching someone out for
ANY reason whatsoever? If a guy shits on his girl, does that justify snitching him out? Or vice versa? If you think it does, I'll bet that you'd probably be someone who would
key someones car as a method of payback.
you guys are a bunch of misogynist bastards, in a completely non hypothetical way of course. pricks.
Wow...I'm a newcomer to these here "parts" so I'm just getting the culture but yeah...the misogyny in this thread here is totally fucked up and horrifying. Ya know, it ain't only women that drop dimes. I used to have a life involved in criminal defense and I can tell you that all the informers that I came across were XYs chromosomes Too bad ya got fucked but getting fucked ain't gender specific - but to turn this into some kinda gender gangster war zone is HIGHLY fucked up. You better not let your plants hear ya talking smack about women...they might just decide to rebel on ya.
It aint about gender. Call a spade a spade. Yes, the names that were used to describe the girl horrible, nasty, and base. But that is totally in keeping with her character. I don't call people who are stand up good people horrible, nasty or base names. I dont care WHAT dude did, you just don't snitch. Period.
If the positions were reversed, and dude did that to his girl, he'd be a fucking prick, and deserving of the same fate/punishment as I wished on the bitch.
Do you girls, when you're between yourselves, not call an undesireable, low down, meanspirited guy names that are less than flattering or respectful? Ever have a girlfriend whos guy dicked her over in a not so nice way? Bitch (or the not so nice "C" word, and I apologise for using it outloud.) is just an undesireable, lowdown, meanspirited woman, just as being a fucking prick, or cocksucker (or mysogynous bastard) would be the equivalent in a man.
Male or female it's snitching, and thats a
REALLY HUGE breach of etiquette, and they deserve any fate that befalls them. Hopefully being called a Bitch, or Prick won't be the worst thing that happens.
It probably
SHOULD be kept between the guys (as I am sure it's kept between the girls), alot of us, myself included, have to keep reminding ourselves that there are women on this site.
I don't care who you are, there are other ways to get even, or get revenge, than snitching. Hell, I can get creative as hell fucking with someones life, and have
A GREAT TIME doing it. Being a snitch just not socially acceptable. Societies have reviled them since the biblical days for sure. I agree that we all should be a bit more circumspect in our descriptive terms when referring to women, but ya'll aint right taking the side of the snivelling snitching bitch (or cocksucking prick/mysogynous bastard if it were the guy).
Why is it that it's almost invariably
ALWAYS the girl who gets her panties in a wad and snitches the guy out to get even? And what would
YOU call her? I say
almost always just in case there
actually IS a case where the guy snitched out the girl. I doubt it very seriously, but it
COULD have happened at some point I guess
If my girlfriend grew dope, and if I caught her screwing my best friend (who ALSO would be a grower) in a hotel, and charging everything to MY CREDIT CARD, I can think of many, many things I could or might do to "get even" (if I were so inclined), but snitching out thier grows (or anything else for that matter) would
NOT be one of those things. It's just wrong at so many levels. It's cowardly.