Active Member
me and my good friend have been doing this grow for 4 months. 83 plants 4 feet tall each and 1 week from harvest. The grow was done in the basement and the first floor. This setup was the fucking creme a la creme $5000 grand in growing equipment super stealth setup. Now the REAL fucked part is his whore of a girlfriend who he was SUPPOSED to trust got in a big fight with him and guess what the bitch did? Told the fucking cops pretty much gave them the low down on the whole operation. Now neither of where at the house during the raid thank god!. I get a phone call from him flipping out that his crib got raided and hes got to fucking flea somewhere safe. Im sketching balls cuz i was part of thys shyt and in canada 83 plants is more than enough to give you fairly good time on the inside. WHAT THA FUCK! stupid cunt bitch i told that mothafucka to watch his bitch but no now she fucked us...

this is all "hypotheically"

this is all "hypotheically"