Cops on Riu?


Well-Known Member
Exactly the original question in the threads headline. Cops? r they on riu?
If so how so? What does riu do to prevent this? Sorry just really noid now after a previous conversation. Anyone have any input or info on this?


Green Thumb of God
They probably are but this site is people from all around the world.There is no jurisdiction. I'm sure they read this shit and try to learn but as a tool for busting people it is worthless.


Well-Known Member
I guess it really doesnt matter cuz nobodies realy doing anything illeagal but what are things people can do to protect themselves from invading forcessuch as the law. im sure no on would ever really do anything that would jeopardize or actually really raise the concerns of law holders . Im saying. How can people protect there privacy from this happaning.


Well-Known Member
yeah i'm a cop i spend my whole day reading pot forums so I can bust all you potheads with your 3 cfl grows in your moms closet


Well-Known Member
hahahah aty least get it right if ur going to make a public statement man. I veg with 4 cfls dumbass. And its not a joke really. REal things man get ur mind right


Well-Known Member
The monthly cop thread i see.

Why be so mysterious,what was the conversation you had that got you paranoid ?

john do

Active Member
if u still live with ur mom and use her closet 2 grow u really shouldn't be growin at all jackass i hope she calls the pigs on ur ass


Well-Known Member
Rope is better haha im like who dini I know i didnt spell it right but its the thought that counts i guess. yea im going to chill i guess i kinda wish i didnt even create this thread now. I wish i never created any threads now really.


Well-Known Member
come on bro, you've got 2500 posts, a shit-ton of rep, and you've been here for months.

this is a first-day-on-the-site kind of question! There's probably one or two, but honestly what're you gonna do about it?


Well-Known Member
Yea fuk it man. Just never really thought about it before. I would have stayed on the dl originally but whats done is done. I have grown plants in my moms closet by the way. And helped my pops trim colas way before my mom ever found out.


Well-Known Member
I actually want to be a cop, a good one. I did the hiring process with a local department here in Los Angeles County and was disqualified for having below average credit score, I was only one phase away from starting the academy. I do plan on re-applying after I fix my score. Don't hate me people!


Well-Known Member
There is no question coppers come here. This is a good source of information, and as an open forum, anyone may drop in.

Potheads go to pig-related sites like to gather information. At least one pothead that I know of. :twisted: