cops help girl to her murder


Well-Known Member
Such a sad story. Another story of an innocent person who smoke/sells small amounts of weed and ends up being exploited and in this case dead.

Makes me angry that the Police, who we pay with our tax money, can't actually "Protect and Serve."

So fucked up and my condolences go out to that family.

mr thc

Well-Known Member
The cop that they interview, I must say, I would like to kill with my own two hands. He actually believes that someone who smokes marijuana is a CRIMINAL...lmao. No idea who raised him or what the fuck went wrong...but I'd like to kill him with my bare hands. That poor girl, not even old enough to be a woman, just trying to live the partying life was cornered into an informant deal...and they introduced a gun :S a 23 year old girl, no hidden fucking 13 degree black belt skills, nothing.....

Fuck the police, fuck federal law. People were not born with why do they ruin so many lives? Some law are necessary...and let's face it...some are just fucking stupid. Some places drugs are legal, some aren''s weird...really. Fuck what people consider legal. The next police officer who calls me a criminal is getting a loogie in the face.