Thanks guys your all awesome. To answer some questions
I neighbor Oakland county Michigan
As I mentioned I've got security, I've got good protection for my plants, I do plan on moving the op after harvest! and my uncle does really stupid shit when he's drunk. When he's sober, he's like one of my best friends but he fucking transforms after a drop of beer. With that said. Now that he's in jail most likely pissed at himself because 1. He was on probation so now he's gonna most likely go sit a 90 day probation violation, 2. He was gonna start a good job today most likely working With a vehicle impound lot. And now he's got serious issues when it comes to me. I've had to knock this cat out before.. TWICE! So yeah, if I know him, and I do, he's prob kicking himself for his own stupidity rather than blaming me.. But if he or anyone decided it would be a good idea to try to rob me, they would be all on camera. They would have to basicy be willing to kill someone and then cut through some very thick steal. Also the laws in place in Michigan now state that if you rob a caregivers grow that you get charged as if you robbed a CVS. So if they are willing to try I guess let's see how far they get