Cop Overdoses on Brownies


Well-Known Member
I read in that book Spliffs that some people get what the author called whites or the whities, and its supost to make you black out and be cold, and not know whats going on... only happen to me 2 times, and I was about 13 both times... It supost to happen more to young inexperienced smokers and old people who havnt smoked, in a long time or ever... Idont know... drugs are bad :P


Active Member
Hey all, newbie on the site.

As Shenangen and Goldy discussed, one can pass out from smoking pot due to low blood pressure and lack of O2 ot the brain (not good). Not common, but it does happen.I think this is what was happening to the cop in the video.
I am a regular smoker, and this has happened to me a few times. Happened recently cause I hadnt smoked in a while.I almost passed out, and got sweats. When I started to feel better, i got a raging headache. Ruined the experience for me. I got pissed and started researching. MJ can/does lower blood pressure, and some people are more prone than others. Here are a few tips, cause this can be a pain in the ass or scary even for regulars.

1) If you havent smoked/ingested in a while go easy your first couple times back, til your tolerance is back.

2) First few times back it is a good idea to remain seated and not exert yourself. Standing up quickly can trigger it (blood rushing away from your brain).

3) If you start to feel dizzy/light headed lie on the ground with your feet up in the air. This will force blood back toward your head and should stave off the dizziness. I rested my calfs on the seat of a chair and it worked very well. Took me @ 15 min.

If you experiece this regularly you may have a blood pressure problem.

I am not a doctor, so dont take what I say as gospel. Do your own research and/or consult with a doctor.

I hope this helps anyone that has experienced this, cause it sucks!!


Well-Known Member
Nice first post there pistol! I am amazed that other people have had a similar experience....I just thought it was me and I was going to die young! lol (knock on mary)


New Member
The next thing I remember about the night was feeling better about an hour later and then nothing else until I woke up in my bed the next day.

reminds me of when I tried a lude, a roarer 714, my friend and I had an oz and 2 ludes, we sat in my room and did the lude, i kept saying I dont feel nothing, this sucks.

next thing i remember it's morning, my friend said I had a good time ???

i have no memory of it at all what so ever, so i never did another one.

i at least want to be there if i'm going to party (grin)

I'll stick to weed.


New Member
the first time i ever smoked and got off, I was in downtown chagrin falls ohio, we were 15, we went to baskins and robbins at the strip mall, i kept walking into poles.

swear to god, never happened again after that, been smoking since 1976 ..

pounds and pounds but have never been that high no matter how much i smoke.

i have even been to a cheech and chong joint party where everyone bought the album big bamboo and rolled up an oz.. ea.

smoked every older kid under the table once with a 4 foot blue bong with an oz bowl.

but i never walked into poles again.

however, i grew up across from geauga lake park and sea world of ohio, we snuck in and did window pane, a tornado hit and it was awsome, i was stuck in japanese village 30 feet from where we would go swimming at a private beach. I was there a million times before, but that day i could not get out of the village, i kept ending back to start, so i jumped into the lake and swam to the beach and went home from there.

what a blast. never did it again, cant top that, why try.

i'll stick with weed.


Sector 5 Moderator
Man these are some great stories and they bring back soooooooooo many memories. Sorry to hijack the thread but I have another one. My cousin Ron's best friend, Kermit, was a dealer in the big city. Ron visited him one day and the guy was all excited about something he had scored, some Acapulco Gold. He gave Ron a friggin' matchbox of the weed - with pride. Ron looked at him like Kermit had just stolen something from him. "You don't realize what I'm giving you man; this stuff is killer!" he told Ron. Kermit rolled a little toothpick sized J and Ron just laughed at him. They each took about two or three hits and were done for the rest of the night. Ron came to my house the next day and brought me two tiny J's; we smoked half of one. I lived on a lake and it was nighttime; there were airplanes overhead that appeared to be giving me a personal airshow. To this day I don't have the slightest clue as to what it was - UFO's or jets, I don't know. I've never seen it before or since but I saw planes lined up in formation and they cruised overhead for maybe 30 minutes or so. The next day I took the other tiny little J to work with me; I had a bunch of friends that worked with me at this place and we would always go out to my van and smoke at first break. I had gone around to each of them and told them not to bring anything - I was providing solely. They were all excited about whatever it was I was bringing. When we got into the van they looked like puppies when you bring out a big fat steak. I carefully pulled out the tiny little J out of my stashbox and you should have seen them; they howled with laughter. I told them not to judge it before they smoked it. We each got one hit. We were all totally useless after that. We all got in line and punched out for lunch; the timeclock made a "cha-channnnga" noise and we had never noticed it before. I think it was me that did the time clock impression "cha-channnnga". We all started laughing and could not stop; it was uncontrollable. For the rest of the day, whenever our eyes met, we would mouth "cha-channnnga" and the laughter would start all over again. They never forgot about that and talked about it for years.


Active Member
I heard to overdose on weed you have to smoke 40,000x the ammount it takes to get you high. So if it took one bowl got you high you would have to smoke 40,000 bowls to OD, and even then you would pass out before you got to 40,000