Cop or Not. You guess

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Psychedelics and Chronic

Well-Known Member
So first off, after I read these two posts I checked this person out and he has 0 posts and started about 10 days ago. He does this before his first post??????
FYI I live around Chicago, it says it in my location and I have never said or lived anywhere else.

Post 1.) sup bro. I am from Santa Barbara and was wondering if you have a connection here. I saw your post by search "santa barbara" I live downtown and i need a good hookup. Peace

Post 2.) i cant really figure out how this forum messaging thing works, so please email me @ [email protected] if you can help me out. THanks man

bubba111 <------ username

I'm guessing the email is so they can hope that I would give them an email that they can track......God I love Hushmail.

What are your thoughts. I'll sit back and bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
i got some guy on here offering to sell me all types of weed, i think he might even have been real cause i live in ak and i know our cops dont care that much. but im still not risking it


Well-Known Member
no one listens to that sign natives are sad. i dont like to hate on a race but i have to live around them and its gay. they drink and theyre stupid. if your not waking up at 3 am to "you fucked my boyfriend!" bull shit one will be harassing you on the bus. the villages are just full of natives raping eachother and taking advantage of being able to catch all the fish and shit they want to. i say dig a big hole and cover it with sticks and leaves and dangle a fifth of monarch over it. im part cherokee and let me tell you alaskan natives dident get raped by the government half as hard as the cherokee did. i only ever had one native friend and his name was theron and he hates natives more than i do. hes like the uncle tom of natives.
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