Cooling your grow cab?


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, summer is almost upon us and with it comes the burden of heat problems in the cabs, I was wondering if you guys had any ideas on how to cool my grow cab in the summer months, it's 1.5x3x5 and last year I had some major heat issues. (yes I only run lights at night and yes I use LED) (And yes the cab is ventilated but it doesn't help much when hot summer air is being pulled into the cab) I am not looking to break the bank but I am open to all ideas. Thanks in advance!
The cheapest options usually require the most maintenance, but if you don't want to invest in a portable AC unit, buy half a dozen reusable ice packs and hang a few next to an internal or intake fan in your grow box to disperse the cool air around the ice pack(s) throughout your box. When the ice packs thaw, rotate them out with the remaining frozen ones you have in the freezer and refreeze the thawed ones. Rince, repeat. Check temps over a few days and adjust the number of ice packs/rotation frequency as required.

You'll be swapping out ice packs several times a day, I suspect, but it's an inexpensive way of dropping temps in your grow space.
The cheapest options usually require the most maintenance, but if you don't want to invest in a portable AC unit, buy half a dozen reusable ice packs and hang a few next to an internal or intake fan in your grow box to disperse the cool air around the ice pack(s) throughout your box. When the ice packs thaw, rotate them out with the remaining frozen ones you have in the freezer and refreeze the thawed ones. Rince, repeat. Check temps over a few days and adjust the number of ice packs/rotation frequency as required.

You'll be swapping out ice packs several times a day, I suspect, but it's an inexpensive way of dropping temps in your grow space.
If only I had that kind of time on my hands :p I work full time
Dry Ice, In a cooler, with a screen over top and a fan pointing into the cooler. Place as close as possible to your cabs Intake. Should help and dual purpose, more Co2

Dry ice is cheap. If you've got a deep freeze you can buy it in bulk and use it as you need it on the really hot days.
Hey everyone, summer is almost upon us and with it comes the burden of heat problems in the cabs, I was wondering if you guys had any ideas on how to cool my grow cab in the summer months, it's 1.5x3x5 and last year I had some major heat issues. (yes I only run lights at night and yes I use LED) (And yes the cab is ventilated but it doesn't help much when hot summer air is being pulled into the cab) I am not looking to break the bank but I am open to all ideas. Thanks in advance!
I use a £10 humidifier off eBay next to my intake fan it seems to work for me, it doesn't cause any moisture problems and hasn't effected the fan in any way and 1 fill of water runs just over 12hr.
A/C or lights on at night.

With an A.C. going. Run the lights during the hottest part of the day. The hotter it is outside, the better the A.C. works. When the temperature falls at night, the A.C. doesn't work as well and takes a hit. The grow space will heat up.
With an A.C. going. Run the lights during the hottest part of the day. The hotter it is outside, the better the A.C. works. When the temperature falls at night, the A.C. doesn't work as well and takes a hit. The grow space will heat up.
Well, not so much. Any decent A/C unit should cool to the temp you set it at, running at night won't affect that. However, running at night will decrease the efficiency of the unit, costing you more for the same result.