Cooling with chiller and icebox.... not working!

I am just getting my room setup, and I am planning a 1000w HPS. I have a magnum xxxl and a 8" icebox. The icebox is plumed to a 25gallon reservoir and the chiller is a 1/4hp jbj artica. The chiller is on the otherside of a wall, I drilled holes and ran the lines so the closet can remain sealed. I am just tweaking my closet, and testing things to get them dialed in. The problem is the chiller is not cooling past 62.7 degrees with NO LIGHT on.... I have the chiller set to 55.5 degrees and it is running 24/7. The room is a 8x8 and ambient is 79degees. Currently with the icebox it is 71.9 and not dropping any lower.

Any ideas what is going on?


Active Member
not a big enough chiller likely, nor a big enough resi. on their site, the 600 to 1000W uses 1/2 HP chiller and a 55gal resi. not to mention a 3/10 HP pump doing 1620 GPH. That's a ton of water movement.
Well, next paycheck I was thinking about getting a 100quart cooler to use as an insulated reservoir. Should I skip this and maybe get a 50gallon water barrel?
I just made some tweaks to my plumbing, I had it going from reservoir > icebox > chiller > reservoir. I picked up the icebox used for $100 and it didn't come with instructions... found them online though!! Hopefully this helps. It is now reservoir > chiller > icebox> reservoir.

This just doesn't make sense, it should be able to cool the room far more than 9 degrees with absolutely no heat source at all. Is 750CFM maybe to much and not allowing enough air/radiator time?
i have a 1hp chiller and a 400watt light with a 6 inch ice box. i am having the same problems, but should i upgrade to a bigger reservoir or a larger water pump? i have a 633gph and i am wondering if it would be worth it to get the 1584gph or higher? anyone have any thoughts on this or any similar experiences?
I upgraded to a Rubbermaid trash can. 55gallon, and it helped a lot. However, my 1/4 hp JBJ chiller is not suffiecient enough to cool 55gallons 20degrees below ambient air temp. When I called JBJ, they said that in 1/4hp and lower units they have a tropical compressor that only cools 15 degress or so. In the 1/2hp and lower models, they use a cold water compressor that allows for lower sustain water temps without running 24/7 eating electricity.

However, it does keep my reservoir is now stable at 68 degrees, at the cost of running the chiller 24/7. I am in the process of looking for a DIY chiller method to replace this 1/4hp chiller that will allow me to get the reservoir temps into the 50's.

Oh, also I upgraded from a 500gph pump to a 900gph pump and it did absolutely nothing. However, that's not saying 1500gph wouldn't do anything.
i had a 1/4 hp chiller before because the hydro shop said it should be sufficient to cool in my situation. the chiller ran all the time-did not ever turn off and didn't really chill all that much, so i got the 1hp chiller. it does chill way better than the smaller one, and it only turns on like every half hour or more so for maybe 5 minutes tops. it does use more power than the 1/4 hp, but it runs for much less time than the1/4hp. word of advice for anyone looking to buy a chiller, no matter what your situation, do not go with less than a 1/2hp chiller. and even the 1/2hp might be too small. you don't want to pay full price, realize your chiller is to small, then have to find someone to buy your chiller for much less than you paid for it


Well-Known Member
more water + more air = less heat. a 1/4 hp should keep a 50g res at around 68-70* ambient temp will make it very a bit. which is plenty to cool a 1000w so room temps should raise at most 5* over the ambient temps.
mrduke, when you say "more water" that is referring to a larger reservoir, but what does "more air" mean? larger fan? also, i have a 35 gal reservoir, do you think i should upgrade? or should i insulate it? it's a plastic garbage can, any suggestions are welcome.


Well-Known Member
all of those will help. by more water imean a bigger pump moving more threw the cooler same with air.


Active Member
More is not the most efficient way to use the ice box and chiller. I have found that to have two separate systems works best. The first being a fan pulling through the reflector and out and the other being a separate fan blowing normal room air temp over your ice box and into the room. this will cool your room as would air conditioner. You need to insulate it or it will sweat and leak everywhere. A fan exhausting the room is all essential. I can cool my 600w 4x4 room with a 120mm radiator and 1/10th chiller.
Merlin, What if exhausting the room is not possible? Would a bigger pump for the icebox work? I have a grow cab that is completely sealed, no air exhausted. I have 449cfm fan in the cab blowing right at the light and the icebox.