Cooling with airpump??


Well-Known Member
If i keep my airpump cool will that cool my res?? Kinda makes sense ish because it would be pumping cold air into it.


Well-Known Member
I've run the intake of my pump from the outside, probably does keep the water a bit cooler (it's been warming up a bit in the daytime so it's kinda hard to tell until it gets frigid) since it seems to cool the metal manifold that used to get pretty warm pulling room air.


Well-Known Member
Hmm, i'm gonna give it a try and see what happens. just gonna surround the air pump with frozen bottles


Well-Known Member
I thought of that, but didnt want to put them right into the res because i dont want my roots to be touching them. I think it would be a shock for them. I dont have a tub big enough to put my res in so that i could put the bottles in there
Take a look at your setup, if your air pump is by your lights, or under the lights then it's going to be warmer then not. Moving my air pump up by my AC, and away from my lights helped to drop my temps a bit, but ice bottles work best!


Well-Known Member
i have only ever grown in aero and dwc and i used frozen water bottles for years and still do in my 5gal buckets. these are weeds, man, dont get to caught up in all these little things about stressing this and that or add this or dont do that. keep it simple. the roots will be fine. hell, in winter my tap water is below 40 and i add it straight in.


Active Member
I have a dual air pump with 2 stones on high and it keeps my res at about 70. On low it goes up to like 73. So I guess it works...