cooling res, will this work??


Well-Known Member
My res temp highs are 26 degrees at the mo and im getting them down to 23 by constantly adding frozen bottles of water into the res. I've found that putting my air pump in the eves of my attic also helps so was wondering if I bought a mini freezer and put the pump in there would this work? just a thought


Active Member
Anything you can do to make the air going into the water colder than the water will lower the water temperature.


Active Member
A lot of people take those mini fridges and pump their rez water into it to cool it off before going back into the rez. Just need a hole in one side, a big coil of tube to increase time and surface area inside the cold air space and then out through another hole into the rez.

Granted this only works as-is if you have a RDWC with all connected pods.


Well-Known Member
what kind of chiller would i need for 5 waterfarms? do you have a link?
chillers are rated on how many gallons of water you need to cool so how many gallons need to be cooled.

you most likely wont need more than a 1/4hp

1/10 HP Chiller:

150 watts
2.2 amps
Will Chill 90 Gallons by 10°
or 10 Gallons by 30°
Pump Size Needed: 250 GPH
1/2'' Fittings

1/4 HP Chiller:

280 watts
3 amps
Will Chill 180 Gallons by 10°
or 100 Gallons by 30°
Pump Size Needed: 650 GPH
3/4'' Fittings


Well-Known Member
my farms aren't linked so would i have to buy 5 chillers? i don't understand how they work :-/


Well-Known Member
I have a chest freezer with an analog temp controller in it. I use it as a kegerator and can dial the temp from 30 - 70 degrees. I am thinking one could put their reservoir IN one of these things. They aren't expensive.


Well-Known Member
my farms aren't linked so would i have to buy 5 chillers? i don't understand how they work :-/
you would pump your nutes through the chiller with a pump if you have different ec levels for your farms you will have to go about this another way.

i was explaining how a friend uses copper coils to cool his nutes. you would basically run the chiller with its own res of pure RO water. you pump that RO water through copper coils inside your nute res to cool the nutes down. that would be best way to do it in your situation. hope that makes sense


Active Member
Chillers exhaust hot air, so before u go buying an expensive item like that u would need sufficient exhaust for the chiller, not to mention you need to buy a water pump for it too.


Well-Known Member
Chillers exhaust hot air, so before u go buying an expensive item like that u would need sufficient exhaust for the chiller, not to mention you need to buy a water pump for it too.
a refridgerater puts out heat too lol either way he goes he will need to exhaust that heat somewhere lol