Cooling my room

So this may be my first forum post ever @.@

I live in an apartment with absolutely no insulation in Texas and summer is coming up. I should also add that I have tried running my ac full blast all day and set to 65 degrees and haven't had the temp drop below 80. My question is, is there any way I can lower the temperature of my grow room/tent by any significant amount?

ps. using a 4x3 grow tent with a 200 watt LED and supplemental 2 foot fluoros with pretty good ventilation. Usually runs only about 1-5 degrees hotter than the rest of the apart but still a little too much for me.


Active Member
200w led and you can't get the temps below 80?? are you using an inline fan to exchange the tents air at least once a minute?
where is the a/c unit located at? how many btus?


Well-Known Member
Sounds like growing in that environment is going to be problematic, if you cannot get cooling, the humidity is going to detroy your crop in short order from a great many things, pests, molds and on and on.
If it won't get below 80, I would consider a new place to live or get a few window units and be prepared for a nice jump in the electric bill as well.




Active Member
I've got the same problem. Have AC on and it has hit 80 degrees! The lowest its ever been yet. Operation is a couple weeks old and still working out the kinks. I installed a timer switch that turn on the AC at different times. I think my problem is that I don't have an exhaust for the heat. I have 2 150 watt HPS in a 3X3 closet. My 12" soon to be mother is handling the warm environment fine, it's the babies. Like 3" - 6" one that are showing sings of stress. It's an empty 12X12 room and the windows is 15 ft away from the closet. I was thinking of using blackout cloth and run two long curtains from the AC to the open closet. I'm guessing the channeled cool air will b much more effective. I may be able to use the AC less during the day with the concentrated cool air flow.

What do you guys think?
My a/c unit is right in the middle of the apartment and I have no idea how many btus. My tent actually has a lower temp than the rest of my apt with some new modifications to the ventilation and now there is little to no difference with the lights on or off. The problem I am having is that I can't get the whole apartment below 80 or so degrees. I just replaced the old a/c filter on my unit (it was absolutely caked with animal hair) and trying to see if that will make any difference. Thinking the next thing I am going to do is get some window tinting and see if that will reduce the incoming heat from all of my SOUTH FACING(!) windows.


New Member
If it's hot in the apartment, the air which the tent is intaking, then it's going to be hotter in the tent. Doesn't matter how much air you move, if it's over 76 in the apartment it isn't going to be cooler in the tent.

There are some obvious ones up front. Like running your lights during the night when it is cooler. And blocking as much of the sunlight as you can from radiating into the room. In Texas though, insulation really is the ticket to keep the heat out even with an AC unit. Many growers who live in hot climates will just take the summer off, go on vacation and enjoy the sunshine, rather than try to fight the high temperatures.