cooling my res


anyone have any simple/inexpensive ideas on cooling off my res its hard to get it under 85f i have venting fans and circulating fans but of warm days the temps go way up to over 90f:wall:


Active Member
Yeah 85 is crazy. you can just get 2 liter bottles (or whatever) and fill the with water. Freeze em and just put one in the rez and change when the temp starts going up. You can use whatever size fits/cools best. Just remember if the bottle leaks or cracks whatever is in it will go in your rez. Worked for me untill I got a chiller;)


Active Member
I've tried all sorts of things man, including setting up an radiator ciruclating my res water thru it and blowing air from the central A/C across it. Done the water bottles, done the fans, done the cooling of my air pump, and in all, I have spent more money trying to do it the cheap way...... Fittings, hoses, elecricity (for A/C or extra to freeze the bottles) just ends up costing more that just buying a chiller.... If your having temp problems, just save for a chiller. Oh, and INSULATE YOUR RESEVIOR's, or buy coolers (what I did).

ALSO: the best cure to cost ratio, is beneficial microbes. Since starting the tea my shits has been lookin awesome. You do not need much, 1-2 innoculations every 1-2 weeks is plenty. And it's amazing how well it works, you will notice results in your roots over night, if you dont have any bad bacterial colonizations to wipe out first....


Well-Known Member
IMO if your running DWC either get coolers and throw some fishing weights in water bottles (so they sink and don't rattle the roots) and freeze them, drop those in, results will show immediately. If you go the tea route definitely insulate your res's and make absolutely certain they are light proof. With running the coolers like these (walmart) I change my water bottles every other day and my res is always below 70. I used HVAC tape to light proof the top and a little silicone to seal the spout from the outside. Also an alternative to the teas is a product called Zone, which has worked for me. Also if your experiencing root rot H2O2 baths for your roots can really help get rid of it quick, I recommend some research into this. Good luck and happy growing.


Well-Known Member
Chiller's are expensive, i used the 2 litre bottle method and also on really warm days i would take water out of my res and replace it with cooled water which kept them down even more ! i found that the res temps were the hardest part of my dwc grow, Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
Details in my journal. It's a counterflow
cooling tower. Water sprayed over the
sponge fill, air pulled up from the bottom.
