Coolest/Sneakiest Place to grow


some guy in tampa was growing in an old bomb shelter... and the pot cave was awesome too lol. as far as cabs though i like the millspride type cabs and there was somebody on here that converted an old projection TV into a box.. that was cool IMO

Bonzo Mendoza

New Member
wont a trees canopy block most of the light in those tree grows?
Yes and no.

Sure you lose some light due to the shade, but (as long as the canopy is not too thick), you more than make up for it because natural sunlight is so intense.

To me, natural shade is a good thing for an outdoor guerilla gro - it helps keep the plants small. Small is ggod for outdoor guerrilla gro.

I am trying two outdoor guerrilla gros right now - I have 16 seedlings growing in two three gallon buckets that have been painted green and hidden in some big oleander bushes at a vacant house. In about six weeks when they start to flower, I will cull the males, and then hope that the outdoor sunshine ripens up some good buds. Yes, they are heavily shaded, but they are still growing very well. The shade is actually kinda handy because it prevents the soil from drying out so fast. I have to sneak over there at night and hand water the soil about every 3-5 days (it is really really hot here now)

If I get just 4 oz.s outta those two 3 gallon buckets, I will be very happily stoned.

Bonzo Mendoza

New Member
Yes and no.

I am trying two outdoor guerrilla gros right now - I have 16 seedlings growing in two three gallon buckets... .
Update: it was 115 degree y'day (hottest 8 Aug EVER). I checked the guerrilla gro this a.m. - I lost 6 plants to the heat yesterday. The direct sunlight dried them out - the ones in partial shade survived. Soooooooooo, make that: I have 10 seedlings growing in two three gallon buckets.


Well-Known Member
I've seen a micro grow inside a WORKING computer cab.

The builder used one of those big server cabs, and partioned off part for compact PC components, with the rest for the grow.


Well-Known Member
I know a guy that hand dug under his garage and built a hydie system. In my opinion id be shitting myself every day that it would collapse :/