Cool tube

hi all

i have 2 acrylic tubes 1m long 150mm wide with a wall thickness of 5mm

what i want to do is mount a 600w hps in the middle of the tube carbon filter at top end fan at bottom ( the tube to be upright with the idea of growing 4 plants around each tube

what i need is a way of mounting the light in the middle of the tube or is this just a daft idea

any ideas ?


Active Member
Google says the melting point is 320 F. I personally would not try that. But as for ideas for mounting it get some ducting and bolts :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Thats how you see some of these good ideas people have come up with on here, trial and error. Can't tell you how many different things ive tried that once finished were useless. lol Now thats not to say there havent been some good 1s. The good thing is even the failed 1s were a good learning experience


Well-Known Member
With the risk of starting a fire I'd bite the bullet and get a commercial fixture. You can get some that are fairly inexpensive, definitely cheaper than burning your place down.
reason i asked is that i have a attic room grow a big cool tube that hangs from ridge and vents down into room below would be good for the temps

how about glass same specs just made from glass i know where to get glass tubes of that size


Well-Known Member
Hiya M8,

The moment you had a fan failure, the chance of a fire would be 100%. Not to mention that the light itself will degrade the acrylic very fast and eventually make it so brittle and yellowed it would break under its own weight.

High risk, I would not even use regular a/c flex duct on a real cool tube , use aluminum duct so if you do have a fan failure, it will just get hot until you discover that the fan has quit working. If a fan quits working on a cool tube, the chance of a fire is greatly increased with any kind of low temp combustible (plastic) close by, even plants can catch fire under the right conditions..

Peace and Safe Grows
