Cool security addon to your grow room!


Well-Known Member
hah sweet that looks awesome! but instead of stealin your keys to get access to your herb they are gonna be stealing your fingers!! :shock: hahaha


Well-Known Member
I have to admit that I think the idea is something outta the future, but I am totally against using biometric scanners. Giving a fingerprint to see your ladies may come back to haunt you. Sorry to rain on your parade.


Well-Known Member
I have to admit that I think the idea is something outta the future, but I am totally against using biometric scanners. Giving a fingerprint to see your ladies may come back to haunt you. Sorry to rain on your parade.
haha very good point. i think its more of a novelty than anything else.
Cool 007 feel to it tho.


Active Member
I saw an episode of mythbusters that was featuring these. They were able to fake the print several different ways and opened the lock INCLUDING simply photocopying the guys finger and swiping the paper along the reader!! The lock actually had a "sweat detector" to know if it's a real finger but they just licked the paper LMAO


Active Member
I'm buying this for my front door and several rooms in my house.

Thanks for the thread :lol:


Well-Known Member
I saw an episode of mythbusters that was featuring these. They were able to fake the print several different ways and opened the lock INCLUDING simply photocopying the guys finger and swiping the paper along the reader!! The lock actually had a "sweat detector" to know if it's a real finger but they just licked the paper LMAO
That;s the first thing that came to mind. It's actually easier to break into a fingerprint scanner than it is to pick the lock.

I'm buying this for my front door and several rooms in my house.

Thanks for the thread :lol:
Good for you, but you obviously didn't read what we posted ....

The locks are easily defeatable. Plus the legal ramifications that are involved with your fingerprint opening your growroom ... simply endless.


Well-Known Member
i have the keycode one for my door, was about that price 2 years ago and i did a school project with rfid with on it as well... no fingerprints needed. also can use a key


Well-Known Member
Think about if you happened to get busted by the cops while you were away. I'm sure your fingerprint is saved in there somewhere, and even if its not, the cops could easily lift it off the surface of the scanner. Thats cut and dry evidence proving the room is yours. You would have to pull an OJ to get out of that ["If the glove doesn't fit, you must aquit" :bigjoint:]


Well-Known Member
hah sweet that looks awesome! but instead of stealin your keys to get access to your herb they are gonna be stealing your fingers!! :shock: hahaha
"It uses RF electronic imaging to read live fingerprint patterns located beneath the sub-dermal outer surface layer of the skin, making it unaffected by dry, dirty or worn fingertips, Kwikset says."

Nope just walk over to his sink, grab a dirty glass and a piece of tape, door open.


Well-Known Member
if u really think about how do u steal figer there prints? everyone has diffen finger prints no one has the same


Well-Known Member

bottom line...someone who wants in bad enough isnt gonna stop because you have a fancy pants biometric lock...that doors gonna get kicked in off the hinges regardless of what you put there...

best protection for your plants?...a closed mouth, a small inner circle and a grower around with a gun...PERIOD!


Sector 5 Moderator
You'd be surprised at how many don't even have a simple padlock for theirs. I have one on mine and I don't keep the key in the same room either. $5 worth of insurance!


Well-Known Member
You could use the breathalyzer off your car! LOL. kiss-ass

Combine that with a retinal scanner (calibrated for "blood-shot") and you'll be the only one that ever gets in that room.

Just kidding lol.:mrgreen: