Cool Grow Tricks!


Well-Known Member
The only possible answer I can come up with are maybe the mayo dries and acts like a barrier on the leaf surface so it slows transpiration, meanwhile the plant swells up on water and looks like its grown. And tequila, maybe it sterilizes the soil and somehow, some way it helps? And what the shit? I ain't even gonna try that one.


Active Member
i once heard of injecting co2 diectly in the stem of the plants..i myself dont believe this one ..anyone??? oh and i have also heard of milk being injected into pumkins to make em grow bigger im pretty sure this is true and works..?? applicable to marijuana??


Well-Known Member
i once heard of injecting co2 diectly in the stem of the plants..i myself dont believe this one ..anyone??? oh and i have also heard of milk being injected into pumkins to make em grow bigger im pretty sure this is true and works..?? applicable to marijuana??

Not true on the co2 part. The leaves convert(use) co2 during photosynthesis and the plant itself would not benefit.


Active Member
hmmi didnt believe it either ...what about the milk thing pretty sure it is benificial when i comes to pumkins...but that is to make them grow bigger..trying to do sometihng like this might just make the stems huge and thhick or stretch the thoughts?


Well-Known Member
hmmi didnt believe it either ...what about the milk thing pretty sure it is benificial when i comes to pumkins...but that is to make them grow bigger..trying to do sometihng like this might just make the stems huge and thhick or stretch the thoughts?

Milk contaions Iron and Calcium, which are essential for healthy plants, but not in milk form. There are better methods of treating Ca and Fe defficiences then adding cow juice. It would invite mold and smell like sour milk. Just buy fertilizers that contain those elements instead. WillieN


Active Member
.hmmm interesting ... never even thought about actually trying them though... im just curious... have u heard of them injecting pumpkins with milk to make them bigger? mabey just mabey this could be used to strengthen stems if needed?? just throwing sh*t out there


Well-Known Member
ok guys can we talk about the elephant in the room?

dont you find it somewhat strange that your dad yells at you about smokin erb and but then is allowing you to manufacture it in your closet? and then he doesnt even get mad but tells you ways he knew on how to improve it?

sounds like he is torn and doesnt want you to smoke it but well hey he used to do it and prolly still does. if not that then what is the question.

but i just cant wrap my head around this thread without more answers!:mrgreen:

ok but the mayo thing, i would consider that bullshit untill further notice for reclassification, but i think he didnt do nothin to your plants and is just joshin your pickle, more so I am convinced of this by your suspision and conveyed misgivings about his so called "expert" horticultural advice, he may indeed be, for all intensive perposes "wangin your chung" so to speak



Well-Known Member
lol i've said this before on roll it up...

milk WILL KILL your plants... it spoils in the soil and inside your plants. and then they die.

i have had hands on experience with this so takemy word for it.

the other 2 thing sound kinda fishy as well but i have no experience with them so i cant say much... but i would never put tequela in my res or would change ph and who knows what els. and mao... lol, sounds like your dad is full of shit and he prolly never grew...mebey his friends did and has some he said she said BS to pass on to his son... and you shouldn't be growing in his house anyway, you could get him and anyone els in the house in alot of trouble.


that one guy

Active Member
i heard of using coffee beans for iron and it makes it grow strong stemmed and potent. but not any of the ways your dad says.

Ser0 Products

Well-Known Member
i use it! i grind fresh coffee beans up and mix it with the soil... if anything im doin it for the taste... but if it is bad, maybe thats why i have so much damn nute burn...


Well-Known Member
first off - never tried it (never would) but think about it this way - marijuana is a plant just like any other and i never heard of any gardener putting alcohol or mayo of any type anywhere near their plants. something to consider....