Interesting that the above recipe does not contain any actual compost...
I would for sure recommend making your own compost from food waste and grass clippings ect.
This you cook, turn, add supplements, guano, rock dust ect.
After a few months you will have rich dark alivened earth, or compost. And all the supplements you added will be in avalible forms.
Making teas from this will be significantly better than anything in a bottle, and is actually 'compost tea'.
Agreed. the real microbe colonies that you're trying to breed are in the living compost. I've been messing with homemade EM solutions a little, and if you make EM then use it to keep your compost pile damp, it will really speed up decomposition. It will also add more microbes to the compost, making it that much better for your tea.
to make EM, take a handful of white rice and add it to 1-2c of r.o. water, shake and strain cloudy water into a container with a lid - put in the dark for 5 days.
then add this to about 1/2 gal of milk and set at room temp in the dark for 5 days. (poke a hole in the milk lid).
after five days, it will be watery on the bottom half, and curdled on the top half, gently strain curds out of solution and boom! homemade effective microorganisms! you can feed the curds to your pets
now add this solution to a little r.o. water and molasses to breed and stretch even further - use for compost pile, soil conditioner, making fpe's, bokashi bins
my understanding (from everything I've read) was not to add myco to my tea because 1. the bacterial colonies in the tea will out-compete the fungi since they eat the same food but bacteria grows faster, and 2. mycos need to be connected to the root to do their job. adding to supersoil or tea is a waste because they will die off without a root to form that symbiotic relationship, instead sprinkle over the roots or in planting hole every transplant.
I've never used EJ products but imo, in an aact, I would avoid the microblast and all its sulfates. kelp has the micros
1c compost, 1/2c worm castings, 1Tbsp molasses, and a dash of kelp meal, 48 hours - works wonders and saves you money TEAS ARE THE SHIT!!! good luck