First off hey folks....
I seen a few posts about cooking with resin but I didn't see any that really answered my question or cover what was on my mind. From what I read most folks seemed really aganist the idea of cooking with pipe resin, most seemed to think it would tase horrible and wouldnt work to well in the first place. I was wondering would it make much, if any difference to refine the resin with something like with the double boiler / alchool method to filter out the plant matter? Just wondering if it would work any better after its been refined....
I seen a few posts about cooking with resin but I didn't see any that really answered my question or cover what was on my mind. From what I read most folks seemed really aganist the idea of cooking with pipe resin, most seemed to think it would tase horrible and wouldnt work to well in the first place. I was wondering would it make much, if any difference to refine the resin with something like with the double boiler / alchool method to filter out the plant matter? Just wondering if it would work any better after its been refined....