Cooking with Cannabis Do's and Dont's

Peanut Butter Bud Cookies

The following is a list of some of the things you should and shouldn't do when you are cooking with marijuana. This list is by no means complete! Feel free to comment to ad your own to the list!
  1. DO Take your time! A rushed cannabis cooking extraction (like cannabutter) will be less effective and potent. A marijuana recipe, like any of our cannabis recipes will likely come out better if you are patient. Rush it and you could ruin it!
  2. DO use good cannabis. Cannabis, even after strained from the extraction, can leave a taste. The quality and flavor of the marijuana may be noticeable in the food.
  3. DO know the herbs footprint! Meaning do you know where it came from. Is it organic? Were pesticides used? Marijuana like any other produce item can carry pathogens and dangerous chemicals. If you are cooking with the cannabis most pathogens will be destroyed, however they will likely still contain pesticides and other nasty chemicals!
  4. DON'T Use excessive heat! The active compounds in cannabis will vaporize into the air if to much heat is used! When making cannabutter, weed ghee, or marijuana cooking oil, it should never boil! If you added water it is okay for the water to boil, however if the oil is bubbling it is way too hot!
  5. DON'T cook with cannabis unless you have an idea what you are doing! Ill informed experimentation can lead to wasting your hard earned stash!
Nutritional Benefits of Cooking With Cannabis
In addition to the number of ailments that cannabis can relieve, cooked marijuana is actually quite nutritious and can be incorporated proactively into your diet. As one of the world's most balanced and richest known sources of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids (EFAs), cannabis seeds are nutritional powerhouses. The EFAs found in hemp-seeds are known to reduce the risk of osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, arthritis, eczema and psoriasis, attention deficit disorder and depression. Cannabis seeds also contain a perfect balance of essential amino acids, B vitamins, calcium, magnesium, potassium, Vitamin E and carotene.
Combining marijuana with butter or oil is the most common way to cook with cannabis, but to get the benefits of hemp-seed, many cannabis chefs choose to grind the seeds to produce flour for breads, cakes, pastas and cookies. As well as imparting them with the many benefits discussed above, hemp-seed lends foods a distinctive, nutty flavor perfect for adding depth and richness to any meal.



but so dude..can you explain a bit more about how to make those cookies ?...or are you working on it...cuz they look hella bomb!..haha
n how much weed do you need for just one batch...
but so dude..can you explain a bit more about how to make those cookies ?...or are you working on it...cuz they look hella bomb!..haha
n how much weed do you need for just one batch...
I made them cookies with the Marijuana oil I made early last week. Real cool.. I put the link for the video if you want to try.

I saw this video on making marijuana olive oil last week. The best part is the marijuana is from the clippings of your plant not your choice buds. It looked so easy to do, with killer results I just had to see for myself. With just some basic stuff in my wife's kitchen I was able to get started.
1. First I choped up some marijuana stems and a ton of leaves (from my BlackJack plants) for a total of 5 ounces.
2. I put all 5 ounces into a big cooking pot and added 6 cups of water with 2 cups of olive oil.(my wife's good stuff, she was pissed)
3. Next I put my gas heat down to low and covered it up with the lid.
4. I had to add some water threw-out the next 65 min to keep the marijuana olive oil from drying up. If the water gets cooked out you will start to burn the marijuana and that will give a nasty unforgiving smell and taste in your finale product.
5. Put on some gloves scoped out the green matter into some cheese cloth and squeezed out all the goods as hard as I could. This was pretty hot so be careful when doing this.
6. After I double squeezed everything in the cooking pot into a smaller bowl, I placed the smaller bowl in the freezer for 24 hours.
7. After the 24 hours was up, I was scooping out the finale product and made my first batch of peanut butter cookies with the chronic green marijuana olive oil. It takes 2 cookies for me to get a nice body buzz/high. With 4 cookies I get the best night of sleep ever. I have let my friends try them and they feel a body high off one cookie. They can't believe that this marijuana olive oil was made by my clippings, and what blew them away and myself was the potency of just a couple cookies.
So keep all your clippings and make some Marijuana Olive Oil because it really works. This video is great for learning about how to make marijuana olive oil. It will also show you some nice equipment to have to make the job much easier for you. The lady is great in the video and reminds me of my ant from California she will keep you entertained.
Thanks Medical Marijuana Advisor


Well-Known Member
i'm trying it right now i had a bag full of clippings i didn't weight it but its 1/4 pound easy. i did not have the olive oil so i'm using peanut oil will it work? i don't have a pressure cooker so i'm just using a pan with a lid.


Well-Known Member
just put it into the freezer and it looked just like the video did.. i used 8 cups of water and 4 cups of peanut oil ..i feel messed up now i started feeling it before i even finished ringing out all the leaves.i guess you really do need to wear gloves.i cut an old silk looking curtain and used it as a strainer then i twisted it and squeezed all the oil from the leaves.damn i'm getting worse wear gloves if your going to do it.
just put it into the freezer and it looked just like the video did.. i used 8 cups of water and 4 cups of peanut oil ..i feel messed up now i started feeling it before i even finished ringing out all the leaves.i guess you really do need to wear gloves.i cut an old silk looking curtain and used it as a strainer then i twisted it and squeezed all the oil from the leaves.damn i'm getting worse wear gloves if your going to do it.
Hey Glad to see you tried it. And yes the advice with using gloves should be taken seriously, I agree 100%!!! You can use many types of oil. I just love getting such good use from my clippings. Great results for the amount of work involved. (IMO)...:eyesmoke: