Cooking Info And Recipes


Well-Known Member
good luck i have a heard enough time getting people to reply to my cook book sticky and its right there


Oil (spots) approx 1 ts
Cup of Isopropyl alcohol
2 cups of weed
1.5 plastic drink bottle keep safety ring around the cap
teabags (empty)
clean stainless pot with smooth inside bottom
stove top

Cut plastic bottle in half and clean and dry properly
remove safety ring put lid back on put weed in top half of bottle (should be upside down) place inside of bottom half
Carefully heat iso in pot on low temp til bubbles tip into bottle over weed
leave to soak 4 couple minutes
carefully unsrew lid til iso drains(do not remove cap fully) into bottom half of bottle
once fully drained discard of weed wipe out bottle (ruffly)
rip teabag so it fits round cap end of bottle carefully feed over safety ring (chuck bottle cap away)
holding the bottle over the pot pour iso mixture into the top half of bottle filtering into pot
cook on low heat keep on low boil (blow vapour away traped in pot)
cook til oil thickens (monitor thickness may have to pull off heat so it doesnt thicken to much)
oil finished when pot can be held upside down without running.
should end up with teaspoon of oil depending on weed may seem like a little bit but you dont need much.

spot with pen spring and funnel on med heat element.

Happy spotting :lol:

(caution always monitor cooking highly flammable do not attempt to cook on high heat or naked flame)