cookie question!


Well-Known Member
i have read in some recipes that you dont even need to make butter and you can just throw the ground up bud into the mix and bake em and u will get high?

i dont get how that works kuz i thot even if you eat weed u wont get high..

and if you can , is making butter the better way to go, or is it easier and cheaper(less weed) to just have throw it in the mix

help please!


Well-Known Member
I've done that before when I was in a hurry.

I threw my ground up bud into the mix with my butter, didn't filter it just let it bake in.

My cookies tasted like pot and had whole seeds in then which made for a tasty crunch.

And they worked just fine.

T Money

Active Member
I never knew the exact way to do it.
On 4.20.08, a few girls were arguing on how to make special brownies,
so I proposed the idea of just sprinkling brownie mix on a bowl of hydro, but that plan was soon shot down...:?:


Well-Known Member
What I usually do is grind up my bud into a powder and mix it with a stick of butter then melt the butter on the stove adding my ground bud.

I pour that into a glass container refrigerate and use it for more than one way.

Sometimes I filter out the big chunks by remelting and filtering it after at least overnight in my fridge.


Well-Known Member
listen, here is my point that i try to make with everyone i know in person about the internet being full of people who are full of shit.

THROWING WEED INTO BETTY CROCKER AND THEN INTO THE OVEN AINT GONNA DO SHIT!!!! If you love PISSING money away, then go ahead. Other then that MAKE CANNABUTTER AND REMEMBER THAT 1/2 CUP of oil is equal to ONE STICK of butter (1/2 cup).

So, MAKE CANNABUTTER, then clarify (This just means melt) the cannabutter either on the stove or microwave (Assuming youre not going from simmer to bake with it) and THEN make your pre-made mix.


and to anyone who is going to try an argue me, i just assume that you truly do not know what youre talking about.
Im not tryin to sound like an asshole know it all, but i see tons of morons on the internet saying (YO YO YO DAWGS I BE MAKIN SOME SPECIAL BROWNIES TAKE DIS BUDDZ AND TOSS EM IN AND BAMMMMMMMM YO DAWG I WUZ BAKED OFF MY ASS)

yeah baked after you ate 2 shitty brownies with plant matter in em and smoked 4 blunts of good bud you idiot.


make cannabutter/oil


Well-Known Member
I've seen recipes that say to just throw bud in the mix, but I've never tried 'em so I'd just do it the right way, with cannabutter. It'll take longer but taste better and it's a time tested method.

If you're still curious, this is one of those recipes, he says they work pretty well:

I talk from much personal experience from myself, and from many people that i know......throwing weed into some random brownie mix without making cannabutter/oil is a waste. its about 3% Efficient in transfering the THC when you take into account surface area to oil mixture in pre-made mixes


Well-Known Member
Get better weed is all i can say ...stop picking that shit out of the ditch .....all that dirt weed makes you stupid you are living proof...........