Cooked Compost + EWC, Guano, FFOF, etc. No additional cook time?


Well-Known Member
Hey all,

I've been growing indoors for a while now, and outdoor for 3 seasons. However I skipped my last two seasons and fear I may have made a mistake.

I took the following ingredients and plugged my plants directly into them. I'm afraid the mix might heat up, what do you think?

1.5 cu ft Gardner Bloome Soil Builder Compost :Humus, redwood, worm castings, bat guano, gypsum, kelp meal, oyster shell, dolomite lime and mycorrhizae.

1.5 cu ft FFOF

12 Quart (small bag) Happy Frog

6 Quart Hygromite (silica grow rock)

+/- 2 lbs EWC (1-2 years old)

+/- 3/5 lb Jamaican Bat Guano (1-2 years old)

3.5 cu ft bale Sunshine Mix #4

1.5 cu ft Coco Pete

I figured that the compost would already be cooked, and using small amounts of the old EWC and guano wouldn't make a big deal. But after sitting here and getting very very high off of hash I started getting paranoid.

This mix was made 3 days ago and plants were plugged in at around noon. It's definitely not too late to pull them out, but I'm not sure that this mix will get hot.



Well-Known Member
The only thing that could be really hot would be the amount of Quano you used but it breaks down slowly. The ffof is a little hot to start with but you didn't use a lot. I think you would be ok. I would be concerned if you added in a bunch of Blood and bone meals.


Well-Known Member
They are fairly heavy feeders, all great genetics. All my clones went from 4" cups of FFOF into 2 gal 7" pots of this new mix, and I had 3 very very very well rooted beasts in 2 gal 7" pots that I put into 7 gal 18" pots. I think they'll all be fine, if they get a little blue and curly, that's fine by me, I need them to slow the fuck down anyways. These things are growing like I've been putting crack in the water.

Anyways, I feel a lot easier about transplanting the rest when they dry out. I'm glad nobody has flipped out on me yet saying that I'm going to burn my plants up.