Convince me to try Some Autos


Well-Known Member
Can anyone show me some pics of some good finished autos im thinking about trying a quick auto grow to hold me over but if i cant get some weight off them im not gonna bother as id still only have room for a couple plants


Active Member
As a newbie myself, I was all about auto. Auto seemed so easy and the way to go as a beginner. But now half way done with my first grow, I would not recommend auto strains. Here are my reasons.

1) The 8 weeks or so that you will spend flowering, you can use the lights 12 hours a day instead of 18ish you use with autos = power bill saver
2) You can control how long you want to veg
3) Better potential yield from photoperiod strans vs autos (in most cases)
4) Ummm can't think of anything else right now but I'm sure I have more reasons

Just my 2cents as a newbie myself also


Well-Known Member
i prefer normal photoperiod im very happy with my last 2 grows but i work out of town alot and only have time to do that in the spring i just love growing my own smoke and want somthing quick to hold me over until then


Active Member
I think maybe you should try easy rider if you are going to do it. I've never grown it but I've seen some really good results in a short time frame.


Well-Known Member
autos are good for out door growing you could plant them mad late in the season or plant one plant a week on have about an onuce a week if you do it right or all at onece but other than that for a indoor grow just wait and extra week or two it wont kill the autos are not 100% yet i got 10 and none of them autoed...but there are lots of people that have had very good grows thers and autos thead here thats really good