New Member
I swear, I end up in the strangest conversations when I'm stoned. My 18 year old was watching Jeopardy tonight, and somehow the show managed to spur the following conversation after she'd ranted about the tackiness of male nipple rings. The beginning seems disjointed because I walked into the room to hear the first comment leaving my daughter's lips:
Daughter: I'm gonna get a Prince Albert.
Me: Not unless the doctor missed something at the hospital.
Daughter: No, I was just saying... why can't girl piercings have a name?
Me: They do, labial and clitoral.
Daughter: No! I was talking about a cool name like Prince Albert. Why don't they call them Queen Elizabeth or something.... Queen Victoria!
Me: X.X
Daughter: I'm gonna get a Prince Albert.
Me: Not unless the doctor missed something at the hospital.
Daughter: No, I was just saying... why can't girl piercings have a name?
Me: They do, labial and clitoral.
Daughter: No! I was talking about a cool name like Prince Albert. Why don't they call them Queen Elizabeth or something.... Queen Victoria!
Me: X.X