Controlling Temps during Transitional Seasons with Large Temp Fluctuations


simply switch your cycles to run later at night, if you have to go in there during the day make a light proof barrier at the entrance so you can go in during the day to do maintenance with a green light so you don't disturb the photo period, other than that there arent really too many ways to control heat, other than an a/c, cooler fresh air, or a heat exchanger which cant really be used here if your exhausting your heat into your attic. i recommend the change in time as it is the best solution i can think of


I intake from one side and exhaust to the other side. I didn't realize that the air would recycle between attics like that. I assumed it would ventilate on both sides keeping my intake at ambient temperatures, and the exhaust side hot. Instead I think the air might be traveling over top of the room to the other side. Either that or my attic is just hot on a day like today, staying about 20* over ambient temperatures. The fan should be removing all the air from the attic on the intake side in 1 or 2 minutes which is why I assumed it would stay pretty close to ambient.

if you are taking in air from your attic dont do that, its just going to build up heat, bring in air from the OUTSIDE it will make things much cooler


also the only way you would cool down the air that would get recycled from the attic would be again to bring in cool air and exhaust hot air in there


Well-Known Member
You NEVER want to intake from your attic. Under any circumstances's just not ideal.
Since intake doesn't smell, it always needs to come from the coolest area you can reasonable intake from.
But ventilation through your cooltubes isn't going to cool the room, it'll just help it from building up to much heat. But you have to cool the room or allow cool air in from somewhere to get that kind of effect.


im not sure if any messages ive sent have gone through but let me know if you need pictures for instructions on what to do