Continuing Adventures in Hempy


New Member
No I haven't. I know that's how most people condition their medium for reuse though. Up till now I've never had a problem but there were 3 things I did different this time.

1) I didn't boil the medium
2) I transplanted much later (about 12 days vegging in an aero-cloner)
3) I'm using the lucas formula

When I realized my clone timing was going to be way off this cycle I decided to throw lucas into the cloner thinking that it would waste less nutes if I could then take that and dump it into the hempy for the first week. I think it was a case of a lot of roots used to one environment shocked by being transplanted. They look like shit but will recover.

You'd be surprised how easy it is to remove roots with my hopper. I find the trick is to spray it with water once in a while and the little roots just stick to the wires. I use 3 x 20liter buckets and will hop the medium till one is filled and usually repeat till I don't see any more roots getting trapped, usually by the third shake through. If I boil it the whole process for 45 liters takes 3 hours.


New Member
Day 38 flower 400 watts (1 killer queen, 1 ghbk, 2 NL#5, 4 Chronics)

This garden is kind of a mess as far as canopy height goes but things are looking pretty good to me considering how much I crammed in there.

Day 18 flower 250 watts 6 GhazexBubbakush

These plants really stretch till about the 21st day and then don't do too much vertically from then on. Have to raise the light a few inches everyday till then though. I've removed a bunch of fans to let the light under a bit. this strain is a light yielder but my friends like it so I grow it.


Well-Known Member
Day 38 flower 400 watts (1 killer queen, 1 ghbk, 2 NL#5, 4 Chronics)

This garden is kind of a mess as far as canopy height goes but things are looking pretty good to me considering how much I crammed in there.

Day 18 flower 250 watts 6 GhazexBubbakush

These plants really stretch till about the 21st day and then don't do too much vertically from then on. Have to raise the light a few inches everyday till then though. I've removed a bunch of fans to let the light under a bit. this strain is a light yielder but my friends like it so I grow it.
lookin very nice man very nice congrats and + rep


New Member

Day 46 flower 400 watts mix

Somehow I forgot what day I was on and reported a later flower length before but I'm actually on day 46 on this garden. Things have certainly become crowded in here but I think I'll be happy with the yield the way things are looking. The NL is doing much better than the sample my friend gave me. I'm going to have to break the news to him that it's not the plant, it's him

Day 26 flower 250 watts Ghaze x Bubba Kush

These are also coming along well. Lots of thc along the stem and out onto the fan leafs. Next month I'll have 2 harvests for the first time in years which will be cool.

I'll take a snap of the other garden tomorrow morning. I've decided to go ahead and flower the plants that survived the stress so I'm not expecting much from it but who knows, the power or plants to use the light sometimes surprises me.


Well-Known Member
looks nice...
so let me ask u, with the hemp system u just let feed sit at the bottom of the container with a drain hole near the bottom..?


New Member
Yes that's it. The hole is 2 inches from the bottom. Just mix my nutes once a week and dump them in till you see water coming out the hole and stop, some people who use smaller containers need to water more often but for me once a week works all seasons.

Right now I use GH 3 part according to directions on the bottle, a pinch of epsome salt per gallon and a silica blast according to directions. I don't pH balance or check but I have good tap water. If I had really high pH like 8 I would probably pH balance but mine is 7 out of the tap.


New Member
Nope they don't. You'd think they would but they don't. Thousands of people grow this way any nobody has had their roots drown.


New Member
You need one because you want some run-off, much like with soil, you want to feed them more than they actually need and have some come out, it helps keep the medium from building up excess salts. Some growers like to give their plants just water every other feeding in their hempy buckets but I just feed them every time till I get some run-off. Also each week you don't know how much your plants have eaten/drunk so having the hole is a safe way.

Day 29 veg 250 watts Killer Queen

Here is my garden that had the major stress issues which I lost over a week to. It was a first time for me and I know what was wrong so I won't do that again
I'm about ready to take a clone or two and flip this.


Well-Known Member
Yea nice looking grows you have..question what strains have you ran ..and which are best for rep..happy growing...


New Member
I haven't grown many strains, usually single crop for a few years. I've done, nl#1, nl#5, Hindu Kush, Blueberry, SSH, Jackie-o, Chronic, Ghaze x Bubbakush, Killer queen and a few others I can't remember now. I've never really noticed that any are better or worse in any system I've used though.


Well-Known Member
I'm growing a Killer Queen cross (The Purps x Killer Queen = Kryptonite) that has very similar leaf shape, do you have any bud shots of the Killer Queen?


New Member
The killer Queen is super small but I'll get a pic of it tonight. It's in the worst position and was a week behind the others when I ripped out the plant I had in there and replaced it, just for the clones really. I got a different cut which is supposed to be a better pheno that was a few weeks into flower that has to be revegged but rooted within 5 days in just plain warm aero-cloner water. Which reminds me, this is like the third day I've forgot to check on them. Fact be told, I'm a total fuck up when it comes to gardening, never on top of my shit. Used to be....brownie.


New Member

Fuji looked amazing the other day during my walk so I snapped a pic. It's one of the prettier mountains I know.

Here are some seeds that I started last week when I was worried if my stressed plants were going to make it. Paper towel to they cracked and transplanted before the tap root came out. Just one cup with a hole in the bottom inside another cup.

Before I tried mini hempy cups but realized they sucked for seeds, this way you can control the water level and keep it high if you need. So far just water and they are under 22 watts so nothing major going on but I'll prolly transplant them into one of the gardens instead of growing moms because I don't have the space.


New Member
Day 35 flower 250 watts Ghaze x Bubbakush

These look pretty healthy to me. I look around this site and others and I see all these people talking deficiencies in hydro and it really confuses me. Most hydro nutes out there are pretty complete foods, as long as people got their strength down it should be pretty straight forward. I think a lot of it is actually environmental though. Anyway I just feed these about 20%~30% less than full strength according to directions. Very easy plants to grow, very easy plants to clone. Just shitty on yield. The trics go well out onto the fans though so good hash with the trim.

Day 55 flower 400 watts (1 killer queen, 1 Ghaze x Bubbakush, 2 nl#5, 6 chronics) that is a mouth full

I think these are doing pretty good considering the over crowding and poor air-flow caused by it. During this vacation I think I might pick up some fans to help with it. The GhBk is done so tomorrow I'm going to harvest that one and get some close-ups because those buds are really pretty. The rest of them look a week off still. I might not be able to wait that long though, got clones and seedlings dying for a place to go.