Continued cloning woes


I'm sending this out again since I continue to have problems. Maybe I can be more clear this time.

I have a DWC bubbler and one plant doing GREAT. I've tried to get cuttings from this plant to root in rockwool, but out of 12 tries, I have got 12 failures. I just need ONE to keep going as my main plant (former mother) is now in week #4 of flower--I just coulnd't wait any longer (it was getting too big).

Here's what I've been doing. Please tell me where I've gone wrong.

I've been taking low grown, tender cuttings and placing them in a cup of PH corrected water for a couple minutes, then rooting powder and placing them in the rockwool. The fit isn't great, so I use twist-ties around the wool to hold it all together.

Humidity dome, low light cabinet, heating pad, spraying the leaves once a day for 5 days, water LIGHLY each day.

After they shrivel up and die (they all do), I open them up to see whats-what and there are no roots at all. Nothing.

I do have a cloner but don't really know how to use it. Do I put them in right away or wait until roots show up? Water level? Nutes? Optimal temperature?

Any advice you can give would be great.


I do have a friend with the same strain where I can get veg cuttings, but I don't want to waster her time if they are going to die anyway. I need to get this fixed.


Well-Known Member
Is the humidity dome tight as hell? if so, lift a corner of it...did you PH the rockwool cubes(i.e. soak them in PH balanced water for 30+ minutes)? You shouldn't need to water them daily...only misting them should be still needs to get oxygen in there for the roots to grow, so if you are completely choking off the area of oxygen by not having the humidity dome cracked a little + watering too much + rockwool being too tight(yes you want it "pressed' up against the stem, but you don't want it strangling it) :)


Hmm, ok. Switch to water? Please explain.

Massah: No, the domes are actually 1L water bottles whith the bottoms cut out. I cock them to the side a bit so some air does get in. The rockwool dries out pretty fast so that's why I've been watering daily (about 1tsp)--too much? The twist-ties are really just holding things together-not really choking.

What about this bubble cloner I've got--will that help?


New Member
cant miss w a bubble cloner..........but im sure watever massah told u was the solution...........dudes got great advice other than telling me to put the bong down.................


Well-Known Member
cant miss w a bubble cloner..........but im sure watever massah told u was the solution...........dudes got great advice other than telling me to put the bong down.................
lol <3

Some pictures of your "clone" area and stuff would doesn't sound like everything should be dying on you...but one thing I hot is that heating pad getting? Can you throw a little thermometer at the base of your tray and see what it reads? You might just be baking everything :D


I thought of that too. A thermometer on the pad shows it to be over 100 degrees! A little air-gap via a cookie cooling rack and I'm back to about 70 degrees. I had to tape off 2/3 of my PC fans to maintain temps but with Winter coming on fast, I assume more adjustments will be needed as my grow area is in a garage.

I'll try to post pics soon.