CONTEST:Best decorated Christmas (holiday) plant


New Member
Even though I don't have any plants growing right now, I thought it would be a nice idea to have a picture contest for the holiday.

I think it would be fun seeing some creativity throughout the holiday. What do you guys and gals think?
Some nice pictures of decorated marijuana plants.
NOTE: Of course I'm not talking about decorating the plants to the point of hurting them. :cry: Some common sense needs to come into play. :roll::mrgreen:

Good idea? Bad idea?:confused:

I don't really care if its called Christmas plant or 'holiday' plant but living in Canada, I'm always careful to be politically correct. :-?


New Member
Oh cool. I know its still early and everything but we can all keep it in mind as the holiday approaches.

I think it could be a lot fo fun. :mrgreen:
Thanks guys.
We'll get as many people involved as we can.:mrgreen::blsmoke:

2 months:?