Well-Known Member
No experience with AA or HPA (long time learner/planner/plotter) but to the guy wanting to run organics through his pipes and sprayers, that I do have much experience with. even when filtering my 50 gal tea brewer and sending it out to my field through pvc and pencil lead-sized-opening sprayers, the bio film builds up in the lines and will eventually clog everything. that was outdoors. indoors in my space aged low pressure aero pods I made the mistake of adding some organic additive (i forget the name) that did the exact same thing. I mean bio film clogged everything from the sprayers to the filters nearly killed all my pumps. bottom line, aero in my experience and anything being ran through a sprayer must be sterile and filtered or pure water and cleaned between runs. especially with those tiny opening sprayers used in true high pressure aero or aaa .
I wonder if I can hand feed the microbe rich stuff like the worm tea and inoculants? Then run a weekly h202 cycle in to keep biofilm at bay. With a drain to waste system I would imagine that there is less of a risk of algal growth or other film. Especially if my chambers are light-proof and chilled. But again, only theory makes me weary.