Constitutional MMAR Challenge Court Case going on June 17-21st 2013

Beaches Compassion

Active Member
There is a current court case in front the Ontario courts in London -Constitutionally challenging the MMAR. The case is going on June 17th - 21st 2013.

The new regs are to be posted June 19th. I love hearing about hopeful events. Positive Thoughts People. I've yet to break it to my plants they may have to move out so am holding off for a bit.

Here is a quote from the discussion (It's open and on MedPot on Yahoo Groups if anyone wants to read all the legal documentation)

Imagine spotting the strategically winning card on

the verge of Monday's combat! Serendipity.

Imagine all the work I no longer have to do. The MMAR's been

flawed all the way, they're going to have to drop all

remaining CDSA charges while the "under" was in the section

back to 2010 at least, (and I'll ask the Court to order the

expunging of old convictions while the law was dead Monday

rather than ask the Crown later,) and even before 2010

because the MMAR was flawed by the Beren flaws they didn't

fix in the new legislation that got their fix backward.

Oh, three licenses per site not enough, okay, we won't lift

it to four, like it looks, we'll cancel them all! Quite the

fix. Cancelling them all in trying to raise to cap to four.


Beaches Compassion

Active Member
I think this was even more my favourite part of the posting

"If "under more than four" is the new Regs, they're already
dead too! Won't Harper be screwed to have his new Regs

declared unconstitutional the day after they come into force

since they come into force on June 19, right in the middle

of the June 17-21 trial!"

They are contesting MMAR Section 32


Well-Known Member
Is March 18 the date for the new MMPR fight? I haven't heard a date yet, but they were hoping for this month.Leaving it till late march is cutting it close. I smell another class action from those who followed the rules and 'destroyed' their medicine!


Well-Known Member
there could not have been any consultation with patients on this matter ?????
paid for in full medications should be allowed to be used up....since they are wholly owned outright by the patient
bought and paid for...
clearly to hold the patient market by the throat and force them to buy from our new businesses,from day one...was the only consult they listened to.

Brian Savage

Well-Known Member
You think the conservative government cares about what we told them? Their mind was made up a long time ago, thankfully they biffed it and went full charter violation mode.


Well-Known Member
Who would actually destroy their medicine, to buy a more expensive replacement? LOL the GOV is crazy
If it comes down to the wire and the gov. insists on destroying your medicine, there will be a class action for damages. Whether or not anyone actually follows through with "the destruction" is irrelevant, every patient can claim the value of their maximum allowable possession and storage amounts. We were ordered to to get rid of it and there is no way for them to prove the amounts. As Cannadan wrote, the product they are demanding we destroy is wholly owned and legally acquired by the patients. Name one other scenario where the government can order the destruction of personal property, and force you to replace that same product with a manufacturer they determine? I would expect this obvious attack on freedom from a third world dictatorial government....oh wait, this is the Harper Gov who's dedication to protecting freedom and democracy is second only to N.Korea.