Conspiracy Theories


New Member
Actually the Constitution went out the window when the UN was formed after WW2 and the US signed the treaty to enter. I don't remember the exact clause that states it (damn side effects) but it supercedes ANY pre-written documents by any government that is a member.quote]

What about the 1st world war? The us were in that too, for money.

While people die in their millions for religion or patriotism, fat people sit at the top lining their pockets and eating cake. It has been like this for centuries. The French revolution showed the world that we don't have to take this shit. Is it any coincidence that the French did not enter into the robbery of Iraq?

This world spins on a coin, there is no predestined way in which it will fall. If we allow ourselves to be enslaved, then I truly believe that nature will simply do the work for us. She has already shown us her power, and if we continue on this path she will destroy our society. Kill us in our millions. The earth can fight back.

The other side of the coin is where we fight back. The only real question is how.


Master of Mayhem
Actually the Constitution went out the window when the UN was formed after WW2 and the US signed the treaty to enter. I don't remember the exact clause that states it (damn side effects) but it supercedes ANY pre-written documents by any government that is a member.
What about the 1st world war? The us were in that too, for money.

Very true...I watched a documentary on Woodrow Wilson who was president at the time. He was just as corrupt as the current idiot in office. That's when the notion of the UN started; it was called "The League of Nations" back then. Woodrow Wilson was the first president to leave the country, go on a transatlantic cruise to Europe, and promote the idea. In the end it ruined his presidency; with all his attention focused on this, then the untimely death of his wife...he crumbled.


Master of Mayhem
The other side of the coin is where we fight back. The only real question is how.

I don't know about over there, but if every single American just threw up their hands and said "Fuck it...I'm not paying taxes anymore"....I think that would be a good start. What would they do? What could they do? Maybe that would begin the revolution this country...the world for that matter...needs.


New Member
I don't know about over there, but if every single American just threw up their hands and said "Fuck it...I'm not paying taxes anymore"....I think that would be a good start. What would they do? What could they do? Maybe that would begin the revolution this country...the world for that matter...needs.
I believe in the US that there is actually no law that states you have to pay income tax. So to not pay it is not a crime. Not sure about my country though... we've still got Royalty.


Master of Mayhem
I believe in the US that there is actually no law that states you have to pay income tax. So to not pay it is not a crime. Not sure about my country though... we've still got Royalty.
Oh no...there a million tax laws over here...for everyday people they take it directly from your paycheck, you never even see the money. As for all the others you are required to pay taxes at least once a year; some quarterly even.If you do not, they can go as far as seizing your bank accounts, foreclosing on your home and auctioning it off....they are relentless those IRS people. I have seen a few peoples lives ruined because of it. It may take them a few years to catch up to you, but when they do its over for you.


New Member
Oh no...there a million tax laws over here...for everyday people they take it directly from your paycheck, you never even see the money. As for all the others you are required to pay taxes at least once a year; some quarterly even.
Same in my country. When you work for yourself you pay taxes yourself.

In the documentary zeitgeist there are ex irs agents that have resigned, as they could not find a law pertaining to income tax, and they said that since resigning they don't fill in tax returns anymore.
Jup that was shocking indeed in particular the amount of evidence that seems to have been disappeared by the authorities. Seems pretty sure it wasn't a plane that hit the pentagon. I think if I had to say yes or no to controlled explosions taking down the towers at this point I would vote yes it was. I think I am going to track down a few more films.



New Member
Here in my country we only got to see the first part of the film on the news. The part where the planes crash into the towers.

Yet on the documentary zeitgeist... the film showed more than one explosion. Indeed, there was a guy on the phone to his family. Saying he'd made it lower down the building... and away from the first explosion. Then, while he is on the phone, there's another explosion... and the mans phone goes dead.

There are people making all these events happen... Hitler famously blew up one of his own buildings to go get the people to agree to war. These bankers, have been orchestrating similar things ever since... Pearl Harbour, the twin towers, london, madrid... just so they can kill millions more in Iraq and Afghanistan, and line their already immense pockets. I didn't realise just how far these people will go to keep us under control.

It is my belief that Orwell knew exactly what was going on during the 2nd world war. Did you know that the bombing of london during world war two happened because the americans sold millions of dollars worth of planes and bombs to the germans? I'm talking about american companies, not the government. Likwise in the first gulf war, one of our companies was making the pipes for saddam hussein to fire scud missiles from. Then we go and blow them all up... along with hundreds of thousands of Iraqi people.

This is why the people are fighting back in Iraq... as we should fight back in our own countries.

It's this control that is the root of all depression. We can never be truly happy while someone else is pulling our strings. We need to turn the tide... a massive conscious shift to knowing and realising the truth is what's needed.

Yet, I talk to my friends and their heads are in space... it seems that they are incapable of fully understanding what is going on. I see other people too, and they are also locked in society's grip... do not have the ability to step outside their life and look at the world from the outside. I fear we are already doomed, people are already robots.

On here though, this site seems to have more people (in relative terms to the rest of the population) that realise what is going on. Maybe not all of it, but realise that SOMETHING is going on. I believe this is through cannabis.

Is it any coincidence that they allow tobacco and alcohol, both drugs that kill and blot out your thinking, or use your lung space sapping your energy. Whereas cannabis allows you time to think... moves you away from the subliminal tv and newspaper... this is why cannabis is so dangerous to them, this is also the reason why so many of us smoke it. Cannabis allows us the freedom to mentally shift our awareness... allows us the freedom to THINK.


Well-Known Member
Here in my country we only got to see the first part of the film on the news. The part where the planes crash into the towers.

Yet on the documentary zeitgeist... the film showed more than one explosion. Indeed, there was a guy on the phone to his family. Saying he'd made it lower down the building... and away from the first explosion. Then, while he is on the phone, there's another explosion... and the mans phone goes dead.

There are people making all these events happen... Hitler famously blew up one of his own buildings to go get the people to agree to war. These bankers, have been orchestrating similar things ever since... Pearl Harbour, the twin towers, london, madrid... just so they can kill millions more in Iraq and Afghanistan, and line their already immense pockets. I didn't realise just how far these people will go to keep us under control.

It is my belief that Orwell knew exactly what was going on during the 2nd world war. Did you know that the bombing of london during world war two happened because the americans sold millions of dollars worth of planes and bombs to the germans? I'm talking about american companies, not the government. Likwise in the first gulf war, one of our companies was making the pipes for saddam hussein to fire scud missiles from. Then we go and blow them all up... along with hundreds of thousands of Iraqi people.

This is why the people are fighting back in Iraq... as we should fight back in our own countries.

It's this control that is the root of all depression. We can never be truly happy while someone else is pulling our strings. We need to turn the tide... a massive conscious shift to knowing and realising the truth is what's needed.

Yet, I talk to my friends and their heads are in space... it seems that they are incapable of fully understanding what is going on. I see other people too, and they are also locked in society's grip... do not have the ability to step outside their life and look at the world from the outside. I fear we are already doomed, people are already robots.

On here though, this site seems to have more people (in relative terms to the rest of the population) that realise what is going on. Maybe not all of it, but realise that SOMETHING is going on. I believe this is through cannabis.

Is it any coincidence that they allow tobacco and alcohol, both drugs that kill and blot out your thinking, or use your lung space sapping your energy. Whereas cannabis allows you time to think... moves you away from the subliminal tv and newspaper... this is why cannabis is so dangerous to them, this is also the reason why so many of us smoke it. Cannabis allows us the freedom to mentally shift our awareness... allows us the freedom to THINK.
I agree 110%. Sadly i think an overwhelming majority of earth's population is too brainwashed for the tide ever to turn, so to speak.
I agree with everything you say mr skb. Funnily enough I am reading George Orwell's 1984 atm and not because I wanted to but because my girlfriend bought it for me. Its hard work to be honest and not the type of book I would normally read but if you draw comparisons as to how we are maybe being controlled through the media and to what goes on in the book, there are vague similarities. Very clever Mr Orwell in 1948...

I am at a funny time of my life I am thinking about having children soon but this kind of stuff makes me really wonder do I want to bring kids into the world. Hmm I guess my ancestors worried about, the bomb and before that world wars and recessions, starvation and slavery. Now its the sort of stuff we talk about in this thread, I guess the best we can do is bring our kids up with open minds, make our own fight against what we think is wrong and hope the shit doesn't hit the fan in the near future.

All the best


Master of Mayhem
So I come home from work and I am watching the news. It was showing some sort of debate between the Republican candidates for president. I didn't catch who it was that said it, but this is what I heard:

Hillary Clinton wants to run the biggest enterprise in the world...the United States government; which employs millions of people and generates trillions of dollars in revenue. She has never even run a small business...blah blah blah........
OK first off forget about Hillary Clinton, she is not the issue here. The issue is who or what the fuck is running the enterprise/corporation, or a government that cares about it's people? IMO....certainly not the latter. I have been preaching this for years, but to actually hear a candidate say this....out loud! It just goes to show you that all of us "conspiracy nuts" are not as crazy as some people believe. It is sad that this government, even the world, is nothing more than "Big Business". It will only get worse from here.:neutral:


Well-Known Member
I think these two quotes pretty much sum up our government:

"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great

industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of

credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our

activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the

worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments

in the civilized world. No longer a government by free opinion, no longer a

government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by

the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men."

-Woodrow Wilson, 1916

"The real truth of the matter is that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government since the days of Andrew Jackson"
-Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1933



Master of Mayhem
I think these two quotes pretty much sum up our government:

"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great

industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of

credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our

activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the

worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments

in the civilized world. No longer a government by free opinion, no longer a

government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by

the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men."

-Woodrow Wilson, 1916
That's cool because I was just talking about ol' Woodrow:bigjoint:

Very true...I watched a documentary on Woodrow Wilson who was president at the time. He was just as corrupt as the current idiot in office. That's when the notion of the UN started; it was called "The League of Nations" back then. Woodrow Wilson was the first president to leave the country, go on a transatlantic cruise to Europe, and promote the idea. In the end it ruined his presidency; with all his attention focused on this, then the untimely death of his wife...he crumbled.
So he actually fessed up to it I guess his wife's death made him see things differently.

"The real truth of the matter is that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government since the days of Andrew Jackson"
-Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1933

I guess this MIGHT have something to do with the Freemasons?


Well-Known Member

conspiracy theory, good movie watch it for free online or download it for free online.

you won't regret it.