From my experience coco seems to have a problem with magnesium. Combine that with LED lights and it is a constant problem. In a young plant nitrogen can cause similar problems. I love coco but I am sure to wash it in phed water and soak it before I use it. I do not see any signs of over fert so I would up the nitrogen and add some molasses if organic or cal mag. Let us know what works and Luck to you.
Are you referring to pure coco coir, or a coco based soil medium? The coco I am using is *not* pure coco coir fibers, it is called coco connoisseur, which has peat moss, and a plethora of other organic amendments, but is not just pure coco coir fibers.
For sure good insight on the combo of LED and Coco causing fun stuff with Mg, do you have any more in depth info on the fundamentals of this? I would be interested to enlighten myself.
When you say young, when is a plant not being considered young to you anymore?
These girls, the ones pictured in the posting, are at least 7-9 weeks old, possibly older. I acquired them on 4/20, and they were decently established plants, two of them had been topped, so I can work in at least 2-3 weeks to their age knowing that. Somewhere around 7+ weeks at least.
And as for washing Coco, this is also really good input bro, I have always just trusted the kind word that each bag has been washed or quadruple washed for cleanliness, but from here on, I will always make sure to do my own wash/flushing of coco with the proper pH of water that I will be using for whatever plants are going to go into the medium.
Thinking back, I did pre wash the particular batch/bag of coco medium I used for my first set of fruit and vegetable plants, I just filled up 5 gallons buckets and ran tap water through the medium till the runoff was more clear than murky, but I did not do that with the rest of the coco medium I have been using. So, very good insight thanks man.
As for adding in a CaMg supplement, I would rather not go and pick up another bottle, so I will get a good start on my super soil and acquire some quality epsom salt for the Mg and Dolomite Lime for the Ca.
I will for sure update the post and let you know how the girls are progressing from here on.