Conservative ways of lighting your herb


Well-Known Member
Anybody know any way to light your weed without burning up thc with the flame?

Ive found that if you light a stem and blow it out, you can use the ember on the end to light your bowl. It makes the pot lst about 2x as long too.

Any others?


Active Member
If your an experienced smoker you should know how to light your bowls good enough to make it last. I usually just light a little corner and don't have to light the bowl ever again. Never would have thought of that though, good idea if it works


Well-Known Member
My homie who has a Medical card out here in Cali, went to the "Club" and he got this string thing called bee-line that burns slow and is a healthy hit. It'z cool, but i'd rather use my Bic lighter, too much of a hassel, but besides that its an experience :joint:


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the stem thing does work. Its good for bowls of kif, and thats how I thought of it.

I just hate burning up the weed =?


Well-Known Member
why the fuck would u not wanna blaze that shit up anyways???, fuck it man. LIGHT IT UP AND SMOKE TIL U MOTHAFUCKEN CHOKE :DDDDD


Well-Known Member
yea theres that too. and it increases the tastes qualtiy a GREAT amount. in my opinion. i got a grinder and a vaporizer from my bro for my b-d :D


Well-Known Member
why the fuck would u not wanna blaze that shit up anyways???, fuck it man. LIGHT IT UP AND SMOKE TIL U MOTHAFUCKEN CHOKE :DDDDD

Well, I feel better about smoking my weed knowing I got as much 'bang for my buck' as I could. It doesnt make sense to waste it on a flame. I absolutely HATE it when I'm smoking with someone, and they hold the flame onthe bowl the whole time they hit it.


Well-Known Member
thats why this is a growing informational site, i prefer to grow so then eventually i will never have to worry about people wasting my weed.


Well-Known Member
Man idk about you guys, but when I smoke bowls/bongloads, I try to destroy every last scrap in one pull. Maybe it's just my naturally destructive demeanor, but that's just me.


Well-Known Member
no i like doin that shit too. Fuckin toke a personal to myself alll the time and take huge bong rips!


Well-Known Member
I agree vaps suck... I'd rather load up my bong and rip it until it sucks through... I never really get that high from using a vap. and i have no reason to conserve. Weed grows on trees where im from.