CoNorml patient/caregiver get together Sunday January 25th, 2009

pikes peak 69

Well-Known Member
CoNorml Presents:

Date: Sunday January 25th, 2009
Time: 2 pm Speakers starting at 3 p.m.
Location: Quixote's True Blue, 2637 Welton St., Denver, CO.

3 pm. Medical Marijuana “Know Your Amendment 20 Rights”
4 p.m. Matthew Kumin, Esq. : "Everything you've always wanted to know about dispensary operations and laws but were afraid to ask."
-San Francisco Cooperative and Collective consultant for 12 years
5 p.m. Warren Edson, Esq. and Matthew Kumin, Esq.: Mentch in Colorado
6 p.m. Live music: Matt and Lenny jam

Free admission, free pizza, free Sweet Leaf Tea, and patient services informational booths.

Please contact Steve Wells at [email protected] for more information or if you are a caregiver who would like free booth space

pikes peak 69

Well-Known Member
Coming up this weekend.
Hope to see some of you there


CoNorml Presents:

Date: Sunday January 25th, 2009
Time: 2 pm Speakers starting at 3 p.m.
Location: Quixote's True Blue, 2637 Welton St., Denver, CO.

3 pm. Medical Marijuana “Know Your Amendment 20 Rights”
4 p.m. Matthew Kumin, Esq. : "Everything you've always wanted to know about dispensary operations and laws but were afraid to ask."
-San Francisco Cooperative and Collective consultant for 12 years
5 p.m. Warren Edson, Esq. and Matthew Kumin, Esq.: Mentch in Colorado
6 p.m. Live music: Matt and Lenny jam

Free admission, free pizza, free Sweet Leaf Tea, and patient services informational booths.

Please contact Steve Wells at [email protected] for more information or if you are a caregiver who would like free booth space


Well-Known Member
I was at this event and met many new Caregivers eager to sign me up .I have visited two dispensaries in my area so far Evology and the THC clinic neither had there shit together over priced and seedy as hell.The weed from both these shops smelled like Wet hay, and when is green buds suppose to look like cow dung,dark brown and seedy.I met michael at the event and he really knows his passion well.We smoked some incredible shit that night CALI-O that was with me for hours.I am visiting CT'S today and will get back to everyone real soon.I will not revisit either shop that ROBBED ME.
Herbologist, you really need to fix your keyboard so your periods are spaced apart.


Well-Known Member
I was at this event and met many new Caregivers eager to sign me up .I have visited two dispensaries in my area so far Evology and the THC clinic neither had there shit together over priced and seedy as hell.The weed from both these shops smelled like Wet hay, and when is green buds suppose to look like cow dung,dark brown and seedy.I met michael at the event and he really knows his passion well.We smoked some incredible shit that night CALI-O that was with me for hours.I am visiting CT'S today and will get back to everyone real soon.I will not revisit either shop that ROBBED ME.

yes, this was herb. yes, he was banned again. :roll:
pathetic. :sad:

pikes peak 69

Well-Known Member
It's unfortunate that CT owner does this kind of stuff. There is enough to go around for all the clubs and we just sit back and laugh at his antics.
I would advise any patient to visit all the clubs in your area, don't pay any fees to preview the club. If they insist charging a fee to check it out, GO SOMEWHERE ELSE. Once you preview and decide on a club, then pay any fee required to join or participate.
Ct has done some remarkable things, good and bad, for the cause, but these childish antics are not in the good column.


I was at this event and met many new Caregivers eager to sign me up .I have visited two dispensaries in my area so far Evology and the THC clinic neither had there shit together over priced and seedy as hell.The weed from both these shops smelled like Wet hay, and when is green buds suppose to look like cow dung,dark brown and seedy.I met michael at the event and he really knows his passion well.We smoked some incredible shit that night CALI-O that was with me for hours.I am visiting CT'S today and will get back to everyone real soon.I will not revisit either shop that ROBBED ME.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by little worm
I was at this event and met many new Caregivers eager to sign me up .I have visited two dispensaries in my area so far Evology and the THC clinic neither had there shit together over priced and seedy as hell.The weed from both these shops smelled like Wet hay, and when is green buds suppose to look like cow dung,dark brown and seedy.I met michael at the event and he really knows his passion well.We smoked some incredible shit that night CALI-O that was with me for hours.I am visiting CT'S today and will get back to everyone real soon.I will not revisit either shop that ROBBED ME.
Out of nowhere you attack us again. You are a LIAR! THC and Evology didn't even HAVE a booth there! We were there to get information... not to advertise. Our patients find us through word of mouth, not gimmicks. When they become a member they join our family. You have never, nor will you ever set foot in any of our facilities. Stop lying, it is very unprofessional, much like your childish antics at the NORML event. Nobody cares that you write large checks to growers, especially when somebody is speaking on stage. There was no need to yell that out to the crowd, unless you wanted 150 people to know you were "the man."

PS. Please spell check your "brochures" for the PARC. Much like your $25 Membership cards (in which appointments is spelled wrong), there are almost 10 mispelled words. Actually, it's more fun to just tell you, since it's a pet peave of mine.
Saturday is not spelled Staturday
Materials is not spelled Matyerials
Operation is not spelled Operatiuon
"all medically" should not be "al medically"
edibles is not spelled eddibles
and again Saturday as Staturday

It cracks me up to think of you sounding out "O-P-E-R-A-T-I-U-O-N". Spell Check is ONE BUTTON!!! USE IT!! I'm gonna frame it for the wall... HILLARIOUS!!

And one more thing... according to DC NORML you are NOT the "sole representative of NORML in the State of Colorado" like you told Pikes Peak NORML. There are 4 recognized chapters, Colorado, Front Range, Pikes Peak, as well as a CU (Boulder) chapter.

Why dont you just shut the hell up about what you know nothing about. You are a text book example of what happens with a monopoly. I wouldn't even have responded if you didn't directly lie about THC. Keep our name out of it and I dont care what puke comes out of your fat mouth, you LIAR. Your monopoly is OVER... I am asking you (again), in "public", to work with us for the good of the community. I hold no grudges against you because it must be tough to lose your grip, but you HAVE to stop lying. It is against the law to libel and slander.

pikes peak 69

Well-Known Member
His spelling and grammar have always been a comic relief for many of us.
He has the biggest, baddest,first and most, just ask him he'll tell you.


Out of nowhere you attack us again. You are a LIAR! THC and Evology didn't even HAVE a booth there! We were there to get information... not to advertise. Our patients find us through word of mouth, not gimmicks. When they become a member they join our family. You have never, nor will you ever set foot in any of our facilities. Stop lying, it is very unprofessional, much like your childish antics at the NORML event. Nobody cares that you write large checks to growers, especially when somebody is speaking on stage. There was no need to yell that out to the crowd, unless you wanted 150 people to know you were "the man."

PS. Please spell check your "brochures" for the PARC. Much like your $25 Membership cards (in which appointments is spelled wrong), there are almost 10 mispelled words. Actually, it's more fun to just tell you, since it's a pet peave of mine.
Saturday is not spelled Staturday
Materials is not spelled Matyerials
Operation is not spelled Operatiuon
"all medically" should not be "al medically"
edibles is not spelled eddibles
and again Saturday as Staturday

It cracks me up to think of you sounding out "O-P-E-R-A-T-I-U-O-N". Spell Check is ONE BUTTON!!! USE IT!! I'm gonna frame it for the wall... HILLARIOUS!!

And one more thing... according to DC NORML you are NOT the "sole representative of NORML in the State of Colorado" like you told Pikes Peak NORML. There are 4 recognized chapters, Colorado, Front Range, Pikes Peak, as well as a CU (Boulder) chapter.

Why dont you just shut the hell up about what you know nothing about. You are a text book example of what happens with a monopoly. I wouldn't even have responded if you didn't directly lie about THC. Keep our name out of it and I dont care what puke comes out of your fat mouth, you LIAR. Your monopoly is OVER... I am asking you (again), in "public", to work with us for the good of the community. I hold no grudges against you, but you have to stop lying. If you said ANYTHING that was the truth about us I couldn't say a thing. There are at least 5 people that have met me personally that are on RIU and most of them have also met you. I'm pretty sure if I was BS they would say so or if I asked they would even give their opinions. My lawyers already checked our business long before your lawyers did, we arent going anywhere. I'm telling you now, in public, I will press charges against you if you continue your libel and slander. The very next time it happens you will hear from our lawyers; I promise you. I have had enough and what you are doing is illegal.