connoisseur A&B?


Active Member
has anyone used connoisseur from advanced nutes?? im really looking into buying it but i want to know if it is worth the money.. did u really get a big yield from it, and was the quality of the bud that much better?... if u can give as much feed back as possible please... thnx guys!!


Well-Known Member
yea i used the connoisseur a&b before. Connoisseur is a good base, nothing wrong with it from my experience. From what i've heard it's a pretty strong nutrient base, people tend to burn there plants when using connoisseur. I don't think A.N. is anything special, but it does the job.

I found out that A.N. carries a lot of salts in there product & from now on i'm going to try out a new line.


Active Member
thanks alot for the feed back.. what other advanced nutrients products should i try to keep it simple for myself, in the bloom phase... im thinking big bud, bud candy, umm any others that will give me maximum yeild? im in no way an expert grower haha


Well-Known Member
If your going with A.N. a&b is all you really need. For flowering if you want to pick up something extra just go with bud candy.

Do NOT buy big bud if you get bud candy (bud candy already has big bud mixed in it.) :)


Active Member
a&b is what i will go with thnx.. WHAT? really? bcuz big bud is more expensive i think haha... bud candy it is.. what about carbo load, nirvana, or hammer head? any of those guna help my yield size?