coNKey's tRailEr TRasH SwAmP grOW


Active Member
so the partywas kILLER.. we played pool, darts. I killed everyone at dartz. i couldnt believe it myself. i havent played dartz in the longest time and i was so good i got like 15 bullseyes. It was crazy. My method was thinkin of the bullseye like i do when i go fire my glock. and it worked!!
we all skinny dipped in the pool and i even ate the worm at the bottom of the tequilaa bottle.
SO i open my medicine cabinet this morning looking for the best hangover bud and decided on smelly cherrY! what a wonderful choice.
No more hangove and im soooo stoned. damn just found out now 2 more of my nephews are potheads and looks to start up a dispensary. hahaha. life is sooo bizzaroooo
have a good day cowboys and cowgirlz.


Well-Known Member
BOATS AND HOES villagestreetwear_2240_3143434532.gif


Active Member
im so discusted with my employer.
i work in Oncology and i see up to 50 cancer patients a week.
I found out today that the company i work for will not allow the doctors to write out prescriptions for marijuana.
on top of that Im now also allergic to my garden and grow area. i know its this fuckin dirty desert/
My nose turns bright ears hurt too. things just arent workin out here. its ok. something much better lurks in the horizon.
im hoping that i can find a cancer center that has a dispensary in their facility that i can utilize all my skillz in. but is our society ever going to be progressive enough to acomplish this. I hope im still alive one day to see this happen.


Active Member
and my humidifier has kicked off !!!!!
for the first time since i turned it on!!!!!


Active Member
you ever meet a girl that you look at and your breath is taken away?
shes so pretty and has so much personality that she lifts your spirts and just makes you happy?
thats what strawberry cheesecake does for me.
She has got to be one of the most incredible plants i have ever grown.


Active Member
FUCK YEaH R :joint:
:peace: this is my type of growing enviornment.
with the rain this evening my humidity is at an all time high for this grow of 50%!
its warmed up outside and i am now able to crank up my intake fan for the first time since i started this grow.
heres she is

G13 Pineapple Express still strechin and now flowering nicely.

scrog screen at 26 inches high and its important to continue to stretch her and weave her under the screen still.......... :peace:

conkeys party 013.jpg
conkeys party 011.jpg

The Dawg

Well-Known Member
:arrow: Damn coNKey step away from the BONG.I mean 9 post on 1 page thats got to be a record for ya.Your hoes are looking absoulty sexy but I do think I need about 2 days with that strawberry cheesecake.She looks like she an uppity Hoe and needs to be taught a lesson.Now your PE Will stretch up intell the 5th week happy scroggin bongsmilie

I will keep your nephew in my prayers

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
sorry to bout the nephew conks, hope they caught it early.

plant looks stellar, was a real fast finisher that one mantz had.


have a great weekend


Well-Known Member
Good luck to nephew conkz. Sorry to hear about that.

Yer pants, I mean plants do look great though! Have a nicey nicey weekend in da swamp.

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
Im soo loving the green nugget land conkey every time you post pics and when i saw those socks and wigs i was breathless and my heart skipped a beat so yes i know how you feel.......siiiiighhh green thumb and hot pics you got it all conkey my zombie gyrl


Active Member
Nice looking PE Conkey and so sad to hear about your nephew, will most definitely keep him in my prays, god bless and enjoy your weekend.:weed: