Dinosaur Bone
Active Member
MRS and Air Root Propagation are both inter-related and conjoined topics.
Quite frankly, I am surprised to see little discussion of MRS, and Air Root cloning. I would like to discuss, see pictures of the supposed techniques in real life, hear anecdotal evidence... and of course, more discussion.
::: Air-Root Cloning PRO's :::
>>>No special equipment. The Mother plant IS your clone machine.
>>>You don't cut the A.R.C. off until you see root action. If your going for a 3rd week of flowering Monster Crop Clone... you cut it off exactly then.
>>>Did I mention, that you don't sever the clone from the Mother until there is a root system??? SO... if the ARC doesn't take, and simply heals up... you still have that branch.
>>>IF your counting plants, trying to only have 6 or whatever... That Mother plant with half a dozen air root clones in progress is ONE plant, with 6 attached potential clones. Rather than 1 plant and 6 separate clones. When you put the Mother into flower, you separate a clone and put the clone into Vegetative. What to do with extra air root sites??? Bend them over, and bury them for some MRS action.
ARC makes good sense to me. I am experimenting with peppers & tomato's right now. Once I like those results, I will try it "for real".
::::: Multiple Root Sites... MRS ::::::
The discusion on this has been very limited, recently the "Double End Dildo Technique" .... https://www.rollitup.org/advanced-marijuana-cultivation/356535-double-ended-dildo-technique.html
There are other nicknames to characterize this with... MAD, MAT, QAT.... Menage A' Duece, Menage A' Trios, Menage A' Quad... OR RAD, RAT, RAQ.. Rhizome A' Duece, Rhizome A' Trios, Rhizome A' Quad. And obviously if you have 5 rooting sites on the same plant its a "Sinco de Rhizo"
My experiment currently involves a split open lengthways "Root Riot" cube, rooting powder & paint brush, velcro plant tie, and aluminum foil.
My technique... Lightly scrape / cut away the "bark" layer on a stem, about 1/2 inch.. Apply rooting powder/gel with paint brush, wrap root riot cub around wound, velcro the cube, wrap the whole thing in foil.
The technique I plan to evolve to is doing TWO Air Root sites, about 1/2" apart. The one with a tip gets clipped, and the other one gets bent over and planted for an MRS site.

::: Air-Root Cloning PRO's :::
>>>No special equipment. The Mother plant IS your clone machine.
>>>You don't cut the A.R.C. off until you see root action. If your going for a 3rd week of flowering Monster Crop Clone... you cut it off exactly then.
>>>Did I mention, that you don't sever the clone from the Mother until there is a root system??? SO... if the ARC doesn't take, and simply heals up... you still have that branch.
>>>IF your counting plants, trying to only have 6 or whatever... That Mother plant with half a dozen air root clones in progress is ONE plant, with 6 attached potential clones. Rather than 1 plant and 6 separate clones. When you put the Mother into flower, you separate a clone and put the clone into Vegetative. What to do with extra air root sites??? Bend them over, and bury them for some MRS action.

::::: Multiple Root Sites... MRS ::::::
The discusion on this has been very limited, recently the "Double End Dildo Technique" .... https://www.rollitup.org/advanced-marijuana-cultivation/356535-double-ended-dildo-technique.html
There are other nicknames to characterize this with... MAD, MAT, QAT.... Menage A' Duece, Menage A' Trios, Menage A' Quad... OR RAD, RAT, RAQ.. Rhizome A' Duece, Rhizome A' Trios, Rhizome A' Quad. And obviously if you have 5 rooting sites on the same plant its a "Sinco de Rhizo"
My experiment currently involves a split open lengthways "Root Riot" cube, rooting powder & paint brush, velcro plant tie, and aluminum foil.
My technique... Lightly scrape / cut away the "bark" layer on a stem, about 1/2 inch.. Apply rooting powder/gel with paint brush, wrap root riot cub around wound, velcro the cube, wrap the whole thing in foil.
The technique I plan to evolve to is doing TWO Air Root sites, about 1/2" apart. The one with a tip gets clipped, and the other one gets bent over and planted for an MRS site.