Congress Just Gave Biotech Firms the Green Light to Ignore Court Orders


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looks like evil monsanto is backed by the US government....on their way to world control of seeds

Congress Just Gave Biotech Firms the Green Light to Ignore Court Orders

The law, nicknamed the "Monsanto Protection Act," exempts firms making genetically engineered seeds and crops from litigation

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LITIGATION RESISTANT, TOO: More than 90 percent of U.S.-grown corn, soybeans, cotton, sugar beets and canola are derived from seeds genetically engineered to resist pests.Image: iStockPhoto

Dear EarthTalk: What is the “Monsanto Protection Act” and why are environmentalists so upset about it?—Rita Redstone, Milwaukee

The so-called Monsanto Protection Act is actually a provision (officially known as Section 735) within a recently passed Congressional spending bill, H.R. 933, which exempts biotech companies from litigation in regard to the making, selling and distribution of genetically engineered (GE) seeds and plants.

President Obama signed the bill and its controversial rider into law in March 2013 much to the dismay of environmentalists. It means that Monsanto and other companies that supply the majority of the nation’s crop seeds can continue to produce GE products regardless of any potential court orders stating otherwise. Opponents of GE foods believe that giving such companies a free reign over the production of such potentially dangerous organisms regardless of judicial challenge is a bad idea—especially given how little we still know about the biological and ecological implications of widespread use of GE crops.

Today more than 90 percent of the corn, soybeans, cotton, sugar beets and canola planted in the U.S. is derived from seeds genetically engineered by Monsanto and other companies to resist pests and thus increase yields. Aviva Shen of the ThinkProgress blog reports that, instead of reducing farmers’ use of toxic pesticides and herbicides, GE seeds are having the opposite effect in what has become a race to keep faster and faster developing “superweeds” and “superbugs” at bay. With Congress and the White House refusing to regulate GE crops, the court system has remained a last line of defense for those fighting the widespread adoption of genetic engineering—until now, that is, thanks to H.R. 933.

Monsanto isn’t the only seed company heavy into genetic engineering, but it is the biggest and most well-known and spends millions of dollars each year on lobbyists to keep it that way. Critics point out that the company has spent decades stacking government agencies with its executives and directors. “Monsanto’s board members have worked for the EPA, advised the U.S. Department of Agriculture and served on President Obama’s Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and Negotiations,” reports the group Food & Water Watch. “The prevalence of Monsanto’s directors in these highly influential positions begs a closer look at how they’re able to push the pro-GE agenda within the government and influence public opinion.”

“The judicial review process is an essential element of U.S law and serves as a vital check on any Federal Agency decision that may negatively impact human health, the environment or livelihoods,” reports Food Democracy Now! “Yet this provision seeks an end-run around such judicial review by preemptively deciding that industry can set its own conditions to continue to sell biotech seeds, even if a court may find them to have been wrongfully approved.”

Another concern of safe food advocates now is getting the government to require food makers to list GE ingredients clearly on product labels so consumers can make informed choices accordingly.“Not only is [GE] labeling a reasonable and common sense solution to the continued controversy that corporations like Monsanto, DuPont and Dow Chemical have created by subverting our basic democratic rights,” adds Food Democracy Now!, “but it is a basic right that citizens in 62 other countries around the world already enjoy, including Europe, Russia, China, India, South Africa and Saudi Arabia.”

I skimmed over the first part but then stopped

People who argue against GMO...

make them live around the horn of Africa, living off of the few local products that were seldom grown.

The people there would fucking love seeds resistant to drought, bugs, etc.

Also- the argument of "we don't know what will happen!" is stupid because we don't know two shits about EVERYTHING.
It takes time and spent resources to fucking experiment with these kinds of things, therefore how may one find out if no conduct may be concluded?

Hell. The guy who created the polio vac. didn't know what would happen to himself or future patients
but no doubt your body has those vaccs.
the sterile seeds they want to produce will cause a lot of problems...Do you want sterile marijuana seeds?

The contamination of natural self propagating plants and seed from genetically modified plants is one of scariest issues associated with industrial agriculture.

Agribusinesses intent on cornering the seed market are using tactics which could destroy the self germinating seeds of our natural food crops through cross pollination with sterile genetically modified seeds and plants.

Destroying self propagating crop seeds will ensure that all farmers have to buy new seed each year
from these businesses instead of being able to save natural self propagating seeds capable of re-germination in the next planting cycle.

One of the companies intent on cornering the crop seed market is Monsanto Corporation.

In 2007, Monsanto purchased the world's largest cotton seed company, the Delta & Pine Land Company for $1.5 billion dollars. Delta & Pine has been involved with a seed technology nicknamed "Terminator".

This "Terminator" technology produces genetically modified plants that have sterile seeds, which do not flower or grow fruit after the initial planting, requiring customers to purchase new seed from Monsanto for every planting in which they use Monsanto seed varieties.

And to ensure they are the only seed variety source, Monsanto is methodically buying up other large seed companies. In 2008, Monsanto bought the Dutch seed company De Ruiter Seeds for around 855 million dollars.

The concerns about these acquisitions and genetically modified plants was heralded by an 1988 article published in the journal of the Community Nutrition Institute.

In the article, titled American Agriculture: Wreaking Biological Havoc" Rodney Leonard wrote:
"In the last several months, a radical transformation of agricultural biotechnology has largely been completed, with two giant corporations in the chemical and drug sectors emerging to dominate an industry of which few Americans are aware. One is American Home Products, Inc. (AHP), and the other is DuPont Co. AHP is a drug company and DuPont is a chemical company. Until this week, when AHP merged with Monsanto Corp. in a $33 billion combine, DuPont and Monsanto had both spent billions of dollars to acquire seed companies, biotechnology research firms, and food processing and distribution companies.
Each has spent more than $6 billion apiece in the past three years on acquisitions, and both giants have additional billions to spend. DuPont will shed Conoco Oil, a $30 billion subsidiary, to create a massive acquisitions and research investment fund.
Other companies are scrambling to catch up, but Monsanto's earlier start has given AHP a market lead in genetically modified seeds for corn, cotton and soybeans.
AHP-Monsanto wlll control an estimated 80 percent of the U.S. cotton seed market if regulators approve the acquisition of Delta & Pine Land Co., the largest cotton seed supplier.

Between the two companies, AHP-Monsanto and DuPont will have acquired control of the dominant share of the U.S. seed market for commercial grain and oilseed crops, including half of the market for soybeans and corn.

The rivalry is intense, for good reason. Control of seed production, with the monopoly pricing power from control of patents on genetic changes, allows the biotechnology corporation to control farmers and industrial farming production.

Enhanced by such gifts as the terminator gene from Department of Agriculture USDA) that causes seeds to become sterile after one season, AHP-Monsanto and DuPont will be able to dictate seed prices, growing practices, marketing and other terms of management. Growers cannot object. Seeds for next year's crops must be purchased, and alternative uses for croplands are few."
The deal between Monsanto and AHP never materialized, but Monsanto did buy Delta, as mentioned. Environmental groups and farming associations are understandably alarmed, because these sterile seeds and the genetically modified plants from which they come increase farmers' dependency on seed suppliers like Monsanto.

The major concern is that the "Terminator" sterile seed effect will spread to native vegetation through natural pollination, and result in the sterilization of all natural plants.

In 1999, Monsanto pledged not to commercialize terminator technology, but given Monsanto’s track record, I fully expect to read about the Terminator effects in the near future.

ananyo writes "Monsanto and other biotechnology firms could be looking to bring back 'terminator' seed technology. The seeds are genetically engineered so that crops grown from them produce sterile seed. They prompted such an outcry that, as Slashdot noted, Monsanto's chief executive pledged not to commercialize them. But a case in the U.S. Supreme Court could allow farmers to plant the progeny of GM seeds rather than buying new seeds from Monsanto, making the technology attractive to biotech companies again. Some environmentalists also see 'terminator' seeds as a way of avoiding GM crops contaminating organic/non-GM crops."Reader 9gezegen adds that Monsanto is getting support, oddly, from parts of the software industry. From the NY Times: "BSA/The Software Alliance, which represents companies like Apple and Microsoft, said in a brief that a decision against Monsanto might 'facilitate software piracy on a broad scale' because software can be easily replicated. But it also said that a decision that goes too far the other way could make nuisance software patent infringement lawsuits too easy to file." The case was heard today; here is a transcript (PDF), and a clear explanation of what the case is about.

some countries don't even want their seeds.... they burn shit up

Hungary Destroys All Monsanto GMO Corn Fields

May 19, 2013
Hungary has taken a bold stand against biotech giant Monsanto and genetic modification by destroying 1000 acres of maize found to have been grown with genetically modified seeds, according to Hungary deputy state secretary of the Ministry of Rural Development Lajos Bognar. Unlike many European Union countries, Hungary is a nation where genetically modified (GM) seeds are banned. In a similar stance against GM ingredients, Peru has also passed a 10 year ban on GM foods.
Almost 1000 acres of maize found to have been ground with genetically modified seeds have been destroyed throughout Hungary, deputy state secretary of the Ministry of Rural Development Lajos Bognar said. The GMO maize has been ploughed under, said Lajos Bognar, but pollen has not spread from the maize, he added.
Unlike several EU members, GMO seeds are banned in Hungary. The checks will continue despite the fact that seek traders are obliged to make sure that their products are GMO free, Bognar said.
During the invesigation, controllers have found Pioneer Monsanto products among the seeds planted.
The free movement of goods within the EU means that authorities will not investigate how the seeds arrived in Hungary, but they will check where the goods can be found, Bognar said. Regional public radio reported that the two biggest international seed producing companies are affected in the matter and GMO seeds could have been sown on up to the thousands of hectares in the country. Most of the local farmers have complained since they just discovered they were using GMO seeds.

With season already under way, it is too late to sow new seeds, so this years harvest has been lost.
And to make things even worse for the farmers, the company that distributed the seeds in Baranya county is under liquidation. Therefore, if any compensation is paid by the international seed producers, the money will be paid primarily to that company’s creditors, rather than the farmers

Did you hear about that Monsanto wheat growing in Oregon? Turns out Monsanto developed a wheat that Roundup can't kill 10 years ago, before the experiment was stopped. Somehow it ended up in Oregon a few years ago., and nothing can stop it from spreading, not even napalm. It has this extensive root system that just won't die. This is one reason that that bill passed, because this is going to be a big problem for Monsanto, who claim it was sabotage. Well it could have been a problem, but not anymore. It is displacing native grasses , and already creating environmental issues, and supposedly it will just keep on spreading forever. Nice.
yes I have..... they are also making the land sterile with the use of their seeds..... with no consequences thanks to our government

I skimmed over the first part but then stopped

People who argue against GMO...

make them live around the horn of Africa, living off of the few local products that were seldom grown.

The people there would fucking love seeds resistant to drought, bugs, etc.

Also- the argument of "we don't know what will happen!" is stupid because we don't know two shits about EVERYTHING.
It takes time and spent resources to fucking experiment with these kinds of things, therefore how may one find out if no conduct may be concluded?

Hell. The guy who created the polio vac. didn't know what would happen to himself or future patients
but no doubt your body has those vaccs.

Europe learned a big lesson

What's sad is that very few Americans watch what our elected leaders and heads of business do,and have done over the last 100 years, that have a negative effect on the population. What's even more sad is that when you try explaining what's going on, most Americans don't care, if they can still get cheap food and goods. They know we've been lied to, repeatedly, in the past by government and big business. They know that American and European govt and corps. have raped most other underdeveloped countries, which is why most of the world dislikes America, and for good reason. So I say fuck American government and the herds of sheep they are leading to slaughter.

Im a 34YO white male born and raised in the USA. I have no remorse for my fellow Americans.
if i didnt live so far from so many monsanto facilities they would have a lot of burnt down buildings and fields

I skimmed over the first part but then stopped

People who argue against GMO...

make them live around the horn of Africa, living off of the few local products that were seldom grown.

The people there would fucking love seeds resistant to drought, bugs, etc.

Also- the argument of "we don't know what will happen!" is stupid because we don't know two shits about EVERYTHING.
It takes time and spent resources to fucking experiment with these kinds of things, therefore how may one find out if no conduct may be concluded?

Hell. The guy who created the polio vac. didn't know what would happen to himself or future patients
but no doubt your body has those vaccs.
Ya well im from maine and these GMO seed have caused nothing but problems monsanto round up ready seeds have gotten into the water sources there and the aquatic animals have come just about extint never mind the drift of these seed contaminating other farmers crops then monsanto wants a cut from those farmers that never even planted GMO seed these seed are nothing but problems so before you go saying good things look at the facts and get some real knowledge about agriculture GMO seed are the worst things being produce look at all the farmers in india they cant control these seeds and are bankrupting farmers all over the world!!!
Japan Saves Wheat From Monsanto's Ruination

By Rich Duprey | More Articles
August 2, 2013 | Comments (2)

With the news that Japan is once again accepting imports of U.S. wheat, the current crisis for farmers has passed; but the episode still exposes the risks to our food future posed by genetically modified seed.

A number of Asian countries, including Japan and South Korea, cut off imports of wheat grown in the U.S. northwest after an Oregon farmer found wheat plants that wouldn't die after being sprayed with Monsanto's (NYSE: MON ) powerful herbicide Roundup. Testing revealed it was a strain of wheat seed that had been experimentally modified by the chemicals giant under USDA supervision years before, and should either have been destroyed, or locked up tight in the regulatory agency's vaults. That it had apparently escaped into the wild set off alarm bells globally, and panic among farmers.

Because wheat is typically ingested directly by humans, unlike corn or other crops that are also used for feed and other purposes, farmers have been reluctant to plant -- and consumers wary of buying -- the genetically modified grain. While there's no GM wheat grown anywhere, lab-altered seed accounts for 86% of the country's corn supply, more than 90% of our soy beans, and a major portion of our sugar beets. Half the country's sugar supply comes from sugar beets, and 95% of the seeds used are from Monsanto.

Between Monsanto, DuPont, and Syngenta, the three companies control 53% of the world's seed production, and when you add in Bayer and Dow Chemical to the GM seed mix, their global control of the food supply is near complete.

Thus, a lab-altered strain appearing in a U.S. wheat field in a region whose crops are raised primarily for export had serious implications. Yet, it's still unknown how the seed strain escaped supposedly secure government facilities in Colorado and made its way to an Oregon wheat field. It suggests that, while this crisis has past, a future calamity is still possible.

Japan is one of the most important export markets for U.S. wheat, purchasing about $1 billion worth of the grain last year. They were already casting about, looking to buy wheat from other sources last month, the first time in 53 years that's happened. Its decision to resume purchasing from us is a relief to farmers in the middle of their harvest, and for those planning their plantings for next year.

Despite assurances that genetically modified crops are safe, there is growing reluctance among consumers about actually eating them. It's one of the primary reasons the seed giants are strenuously opposed to GM labeling laws. They understand that, given a choice between GM foods and unaltered ones, consumers would choose the latter.

Our wheat exports may be safe for now, despite the scare given us by Monsanto's experiments; but that's only until the next episode occurs, one we were assured couldn't happen even once.
I have heard talk of this but damn now I realize the seriousness. I'm a be spreadin the word about these slimy snakes in the grass because shit ain't right. Nobody should have that much control over our nations food supply
Watch "Food INC" there is a whole part about monosomeshyt. they invented agent orange during Vietnam. now control the soy bean and put hundreds of farmers out of their farms and homes due to laws that allow for the patent of LIFE... WTF patent OF LIFE, you yes you can own your very own genetic code and market it and can hold all rights to it even after sold.

if you haven't seen this then do yourself a favor and watch it only 10 minutes or so
go to a farmers market, get organically grown veggies with seeds in them and start your own seed program for yourself. at least thats what i would do under a greenhouse.
I don't think it can be stopped, not at this point. I think the best preemptive measure you can take is start buying seeds of your favorite strains and have an extra grow box , grow tent, or grow space for breeding seed stock before the Federal law on marijuana is changed and it's looking like the Feds aren't going to resist as hard as I thought they were going to resist on changing marijuana laws. Monsanto will definitely put their genetic researchers on tampering with marijuana DNA when they see a new market on the horizon and the Fed laws change. It wouldn't surprise me if they already have been doing secret research and experiments on marijuana.

Big corporate money is moving behind the scenes right now on taking over the recreational marijuana business and the way Monsanto has used seed patents before to protect and control their profits, they will eventually go after marijuana strains to control them. Just think how valuable your own home-bred heirloom marijuana seeds would be when Monsanto gets their hands into the coming legal marijuana market and creates marijuana strains that produce sterile seeds. If you have untampered seeds, you will have something of great value.

It wouldn't be much of a surprise if behind the scenes Monsanto has cooked up a deal with the Feds and the pharmaceutical industry convincing them that marijuana legalization is inevitable and that they have all come up with a way to control and regulate a legal marijuana market with FrankenSeed genetics that are sterile and possibly even crossed with something else, addictive poppies maybe.

Having your own home bred seed stock could be very valuable in the near future.
After a week of violence in Colombia, the government has pulled out of the promises in the Free Trade Agreement that including Monsanto protection within the country. They basically told Monsanto and the US to fuck themselves as it relates to the language in the agreement. It was hurting the poor farmers and the people rose up against the government. After cops got killed and martial law had to be declared, they had no choice but to listen to the people.

Perhaps the US citizens should grow a set of balls and learn how to protest the right way and force things to happen.

Monsanto and the Medical Marijuana War...soon nationwide legalization

As the largest producer of GMO plants, moving into medical marijuana may seem a logical next step for the agriculture giant.

US labs already use strains of genetically modified cannabis for testing and research, and the growing demand for legally obtained medical marijuana is sure to spike in the near future.

It looks like Monsanto is already ahead of the game due to their research into RNA interference.

The company is investing millions of dollars into this new technology dubbed “RNAi.” With RNAi, it is possible to manipulate everything from the color of the plant to making the plant indigestible to insects. With marijuana, RNAi could be used to create larger, more potent plants effectively cornering the market and exceeding the legal demand for the plant.

In Canada, this scenario is one step closer to becoming reality due to new laws that will allow large-scale growers to distribute their plants via mail order. The genetically manipulated marijuana may reach consumers sooner than thought possible due to these changes.

While the company maintains that its products are safe for human consumption, it has been widely debated that this isn't truly the case. While moving into medical marijuana may be a winning move for Monsanto stockholders, it may also be a strong case of “buyer beware” for the end consumers of the product.
Un be lievable! What madness....makes me think the chem trails are a type of artificial pollen, or plant genetic altering chemical.... The us is truly insane!
Why don't we look at India and the BT cotton growers there? Monsanto is a monopoly on cotton seed there now and have contracts with the cotton growers. The BT cotton is not producing nearly as much as regular cotton seed and the farmers are not able to pay back the loans because of this. Many suicides have occurred because of this. Monopolies are real and a food production monopoly is the most dangerous.

Most people against GMO's are not even in the USA, if you look at scientific studies outside the usa you will see much more critical analysis. Look at the revolving door between monsanto FDA and EPA. This is strictly business, if you believe that the really care about "feeding the world" (as they claim) then maybe naivety is something you will have to work on.

Oh btw Jonas Salk who created the polio vaccine did not want it patented I believe the actual quote was something like "could you patent the sun?". Monsanto is the complete opposite, as they patent everything they create, as well as litigate any farmer they can.


I skimmed over the first part but then stopped

People who argue against GMO...

make them live around the horn of Africa, living off of the few local products that were seldom grown.

The people there would fucking love seeds resistant to drought, bugs, etc.

Also- the argument of "we don't know what will happen!" is stupid because we don't know two shits about EVERYTHING.
It takes time and spent resources to fucking experiment with these kinds of things, therefore how may one find out if no conduct may be concluded?

Hell. The guy who created the polio vac. didn't know what would happen to himself or future patients
but no doubt your body has those vaccs.
go to a farmers market, get organically grown veggies with seeds in them and start your own seed program for yourself. at least thats what i would do under a greenhouse.

The trouble with that is GMO seeds do not have to be labbeled as such, many small farmers dont truely know what their growing , When small farmers save their own seeds , it almost all done by open polination , GMO feilds can contaminate feilds 1,000's of miles away with ease.

GMO seed producers have tested some non-gmo crops and found a % do infact have GMO genes , The farmers were then sued and the farmers LOST , farmers that barely make ends meet in the first place