Congratulations -- Here's Your Speeding Ticket


Well-Known Member
I don't know what it is about small town pigs that make them such assholes but i live in a small town and i can tell u every fucking one of them are meaner than a rattlesnake. i keep a low profile and try not to cross their path haha. so far its worked knock on wood. Peace:)


I don't know what it is about small town pigs that make them such assholes but i live in a small town and i can tell u every fucking one of them are meaner than a rattlesnake. i keep a low profile and try not to cross their path haha. so far its worked knock on wood. Peace:)

he needs to clarify... he's not bitchin about the small town cops, they're cooler than most of the people on here; he's complaining about the parish (county for you yankees) sheriff's dept being in said small town.... stirrin up shit:evil:


Well-Known Member
So...I was driving here in my little Podunk town on one of the small local back roads to go and pick my Mom up from her hair appointment when all of a sudden a Sheriff appears in the other lane.......
he needs to clarify... he's not bitchin about the small town cops, they're cooler than most of the people on here; he's complaining about the parish (county for you yankees) sheriff's dept being in said small town.... stirrin up shit:evil:
Yeah...the local cops (Barney Fifes) are well, Barney Fifes. They're cool as a cucumber and if you're not a dick, then they won't fuck with you. Now the SHERIFF'S dept. for this Parish (county for the rest of you...Louisiana is the only State to call counties Parishes I think...don't quote me) suck ass...and they have been crawling around town now for much too long and there's really no need for them to be in the first place. It's too tiny of a town for the State Troopers, Sheriff's Dept. AND the Local Cops to be sharing territory.



Yeah...the local cops (Barney Fifes) are well, Barney Fifes. They're cool as a cucumber and if you're not a dick, then they won't fuck with you. Now the SHERIFF'S dept. for this Parish (county for the rest of you...Louisiana is the only State to call counties Parishes I think...don't quote me) suck ass...and they have been crawling around town now for much too long and there's really no need for them to be in the first place. It's too tiny of a town for the State Troopers, Sheriff's Dept. AND the Local Cops to be sharing territory.


and then you come out to my parish; where there is a whole other entity on top of all those 3... we have a completely separate force for narcotics.... completely independent from all the others... and the parish, state, local all have drug divisions as well.... ahhh; gotta love this state we live in...:finger:


Well-Known Member
To help wash away my sorrows about over weight Law Enforcement Swine...I'm drinking scotch, with a little help from my buddy Ron Burgandy


Elmer Fudd

Active Member
My buddy just got slammed with a new ticket here for 50 over the posted limit and could get jail time! Shiiittty buzz.